Chapter 10

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     When the elevator stops it opens to a hallway. We head out of the elevator and turn to our left, heading into a new room. We walk through a small hallway into what I assume is the waiting room. There's many mannequins sitting about but none seem to be alive; even if they were this room is so light that it wouldn't matter. We walk ahead and go through a door that's cracked open.

     There's a shelf leading to a partially open window. Me and Mono climb up and open the window leading to outside. It's raining so I pull up my hood as we head out. Me and Mono run through the streets not wanting to be outside for too long. We reach a wide street with a set of clothes sitting on a bench. I hear something hit the ground a bit away from us.

     "Mono..." "I heard it too." He grabs my hand and we continue walking. Suddenly I hear a growl coming closer to us and the a loud smack. I jump and Mono spins around shining his flashlight. I grab his hand and drag him inside the building we're in front of. "It doesn't matter Mono, it's not going to hurt us." I mutter. He nods and we head upstairs.

     We walk upstairs and I hear the sounds of a tv getting closer. We reach a door, Mono creeps forward and pushes it open. Suddenly a creature crashes throught the floor making me cover my ears and it runs into the next room. I don't hear what happens but I watch it. The creature slams it's head into a tv, shattering the screen.

     I grab Mono's hand, venturing into the room. We walk past the indention the creature made, and into the room it's in. Instead of worrying about if the creature is dead I just hope up onto the broken TV and jump through the window leading back outside.

     Mono follows me as I climb up onto a rooftop next to the one I landed on, climb a ladder, and jump onto a rooftop on the building beside us. I wait for Mono before venturing into the building. Suddenly Mono grabs my wrist. "Jay... why are you moving so quickly?" He askes.

     "Well, whatever that thing was, scared me, I run for scary situations. So I'm running from it." He drops my arm. "Right, sorry." I look over at him concerned. "Mono, is something wrong?" He shakes his head. "Mono, you can talk to me." He looks up at me. "I feel like everytime we get closer you start pushing me away again and I have to earn your trust all over again. I understand that it's because you have issues but... I feel like you're doing it on purpose." He rubs his face and sits down.

     I walk over and sit beside him. "I'm not doing it on purpose. It's... it's instinct. I do it with my friends a lot. We'll have a great bonding moment but then I'll close off for a while. It's how I make sure I don't get hurt again. Even if it means hurting others..." I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my head on them.

     "I'm sorry, Mono. I just don't know how to shut it off. If there was a switch I could pull to stop doing it, I totally would. I'm trying to fix it, but it's really hard." Mono leans over and puts his arm around my shoulders. "It's ok. We can figure this out together." I smile and stand up, holding out my hand to him. He takes it and we walk forward.

     Mono pulls out his flashlight, lighting the dark hallway. "How did we not notice this?" He shrugs. We walk past a guy peering through a crack between the door and doorway; we turn the corner to see a woman staring at a screen. We ignore the woman and head into the room next to her. There's a bunch of dishes and a closed door.

     I boost Mono up and he opens the door. We walk into a bathroom and I see the shadow of a guy in a tub, watching TV. "He's gonna die." I mutter. Mono laughs quietly and I walk over to an open vent next to the toilet. We crawl through it and end up in a room with a broken wall. We walk through the broken wall and I see the elevator puzzle.

Oh! This is familiar!

     I jump off the ledge onto the elevator roof, then onto the ledge next to the elevator, and then finally into the elevator through the nonexistent wall. Mono is beside me in a second. "Mono, pull that lever and then follow me." He nods, jumping up and pulling the lever. I grab his hand.

     "3. 2. 1!" I pull him with me as I jump onto the ledge, right when the elevator passes it. I walk through the hole in the boards leading to the top and start climbing them. I hear Mono following me; we reach the top in no time. I crawl through the hole in the wall and run into the next room. I pull open the drawer and grab the key. I race back out and unlock the elevator doors.

     "What was the point of this?" Askes Mono. "Oh, you'll see; just trust me." He nods and I smile. I run into the elevator, pull the lever and run back out before it can take me with it. "Now we call it back." I go over to the lever on the wall and ask for Mono to boost me up. He does and I run back over to the elevator shaft.

     "Trust me?" He nods and I grab his hand. I pull him with me into the elevator shaft as the elevator nears us. "JAY!" The elevator reachs the top floor with us safely on top. I smile and turn to Mono. "See, all you had to do was trust me." He looks at me, fear in his eyes. "You scare me." I wipe nonexistent dust from my shoulder. "All part of the job." He smiles and laughs; I laugh with him.

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