Chapter 12

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     The Thin Man is sitting in his chair, a spotlight shining on him. He stands and peers down at me, the shadow of his hat blocking out his face. I spin around to look to see if Mono has run but all that's behind me is the hallway. The Thin Man walks forward and I step backwards. I reach into my pocket and grab my scissors.

     "You can't hurt me." I mutter at him. The Thin Man says nothing, he stands in front of me and looks down. "What an odd child." He finally mutters. "You really sacrificed yourself for your friend." I hold my place and set a grim look on my face. Suddenly an invisible force lifts me off the ground and in front of the Thin Man's face. "I know who you are." I say. He lifts his head and I can see his face. Mono's face.

     He tilts his head to the side. "Yes, of course you do. Being that you're not part of this world." The invisible force moves me closer to his face. "However, you seem to be very naive. You know he will look for you. He already lost someone to the evils of this place before, why wouldn't he save you?" I grin at him. "See, I know that's going to happen, and I know how this plays out. I have changed things, for better or worse I don't know.

     "But I do know this, I'm not going to go down without a fight!" I pull my scissors out of my pocket and stab them into the Thin Man's right eye. It surprises him so much the invisible force that he must've been controlling drops me. I run past him deeper into the tower. I run through a door and end up on a staircase going upwards. I run up the steps and go through another telporting door.

     I end up in a hallway full of doors. I pick one and jump through it. "YOU WORTHLESS LITTLE BRAT!" Screams the Thin Man from somewhere within the tower. I jump through doors, getting lost. "I know all your secrets, your insecurities, your issues. I can warp this tower to show you your worst nightmare!" Screams the Thin Man. I turn a corner and jump through another door...

     ...into my bedroom? I spin around and sure enough it's my old room. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I waste no time. I pull open my closet door and sure enough it's a teleporter. I jump through and end up in school. I hear familiar voice and more footsteps. I run over to my locker and spin the dial to open it. Inputting my code it opens on the first try and I jump through the telporter.

     I run through familiar places, I see familiar faces, I try to stay ahead of the footsteps behind me. So many memories, some I would rather forget. I run and run, trying to not collapse. I have no clue how much time has passed. I jump into my grandfather's grave and teleport into my room, my new room. I look around and open my door but nothing is there for me to jump through.

     I open my closet but it's not there either. I look at my tv and see the static screen. I walk in front of it and touch the screen. Suddenly the static clears to show a room with a couch. I see Mono jump down from a hole in the wall. "MONO!" I scream. He looks over at the tv and rushes over. "JAY!" I push my hands through the tv and grab his. He starts pulling me through when I hear the footsteps.

     "Mono! Run!" I let go of his hands, put my hands on the screen that I am halfway through and push myself the rest of the way. Mono holds out his hand, I quickly turn on the flashlight on my phone and give it to him. "MONO RUN! HURRY!" He looks at me and I point to the axe in the wall. "GO TO THE AXE! I'LL HOLD HIM OFF! GO WITHOUT ME! I'LL BE OK!" He nods with tears in his eyes and goes towards the axe.

     I hear the Thin Man starting to push himself through the tv and when his head pops out I stab him in the left eye. "AGH!" He falters for a moment and the room shakes. I hear the axe hit the ground. The Thin Man shoots out his hand and wraps it around my body. He continues pushing his way through the tv but Mono has busted down the door and is gone.

     "You worthless child. Nobody loves you or ever will!" He spits at me. "I'm not blind." I counterpoint. He growls and we teleport back to the tower. He throws me down onto the floor and slams the door to the room. I look around and see the room is big, with a lot of stuff that's important to me or part of my memories. I see a picture on the wall and growl. With my scissors I slash it; the scissors rip apart the eyes. I sit down and start crying.








     I feel my body change as I cry. My limbs elongate, my head inflates, my joints move into strange positions. I turn into a monster. My scissors change, they morph into a mirror. When I look into it I see myself. I smile, I look just fine. My hair is short, my eyes are bright, I look perfect.

     I admire myself in the mirror. Forgetting where I am or what is happening.


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