Mental breakdown

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- he knows how to deal with you, it is more instinct than experience, although he has that too
- depending on what you like and what you do not like he acts
- you need physical contact? You are in his arms faster than you can look, your head buried against his chest while he gently strokes your head and back.
- Price knows with which words he has to calm you down
- you don't want physical contact or words? He sits down next to you and listens to you.
- you don't want to talk? It's ok, he stays with you as long as you want him to.
- you want him to leave? He leaves immediately and makes you your favorite food and drink
- he puts it in front of your door, knocks and leaves so that he does not disturb you further
- he just wants to make sure you have enough to eat and drink, and that you know he is there when you need him
- you don't want to be alone? No problem cook your favorite food with him
- you just want to cuddle and watch a movie? No problem, he has already provided snacks
- he can sit next to you for hours and just listen to you
- you want professional help? He has an appointment with a psychologist faster than you can count to three.
- no matter what it is, no matter what you need, you will get it
- because he wants to see you happy
- you deserve to be happy
- when he is not in the country, it is a little difficult for him to give you support, he doesn't have many friends and no one from his family is living either
- the employees he left the villas to, take care of you though, they are kind hearted people and are more family to Price than his biological parents and relatives ever were.
- However, if you are near laswell and her wife, Price will gladly leave you in their care because he knows that you are in good hands there.


- No matter where he finds you, whether at home or at his base, he is immediately by your side
- he is a little confused at first, did something happen? Did someone do something to you? Is it something you can change? Tell him, he is worried
- he pulls you into his arms and presses you to his chest, he wants you to know that he is with you and nothing can happen to you
- you hear from him the sweetest words while he tries his best to calm you down
- many kisses on your forehead, even if you don't really like physical contact
- he thinks it is best that you feel the presence and warmth of another person at such a time
- he immediately offers you to do something, be it cooking, sports or a movie, distraction is the best medicine
- he asks you questions without you really noticing, he wants to know the reason for your mental breakdown without addressing you directly and risking that you might close yourself off from him completely
- he hates to see you like this, knowing that it is normal from time to time
- he just wants to see your happy YOU, because he wants you to be happy, you deserve to be happy
- he also lets you have a warm bath when you need one, massages your shoulders and takes care of you all day long.
- when he is not present you are either with his family and his mother and also his father take care of you
- his parents treat you like their own child and do everything to make you feel better
- his sisters are also by your side and support you as much as they can
- if no one from his family is around then Alejandro knows that he can rely on Rudy, Rudy may not be him but Alejandro knows that he can entrust you to Rudy.
- you are one big family

Soap :

- he is a little overwhelmed with the situation at the beginning, but he acts quite instinctively and pulls you into his arms
- the first thing he asks you is what's wrong, if you need help or if you are hurt.
- he looks at your body, you don't seem to be hurt, but what is it then? Is it something psychological?
- He tries to calm you down and lightens the mood with jokes.
- when it doesn't work he tells you stories that happened to him, that he fell headfirst out of a helicopter during a mission thanks to Ghost's terrible flying skills and that Price held him by his pants, tore them and he had to complete the rest of the mission without pants after  they reached the ground
- he hears a soft laugh? That's his reason to tell more stupid stories
- he likes your face so much more when you smile
- after you seem to have calmed down a bit he asks you if you want to eat something, saying that all the stories have made him hungry, but he just wants you to eat something so that your body has enough energy
- when you want something to eat he immediately drives to your favorite fast food place
- you want something mexican? He is the first to call Alejandro, even if he should still be asleep due to the time difference, he wants the best recipe he can get, and that's why he calls Alejandro.
- he tries to talk to you carefully while you are eating, but if he notices that you are not ok with it, he asks if you want to watch a movie while you are eating
- if you want to talk about it he likes to listen to you all night long
- he's out of the country and you're not feeling well? Go to mommy McTavish, she is already waiting for you with open arms, warm food and a warm hug.


- no matter where he finds you, he immediately knows what the problem is
- he is not really the type to touch you, so he just sits next to you
- he tells you calmly and with a deep voice that you have to breathe in and out deeply
- sweet words leave your mouth, he does this not just to make you feel better but because he thinks you deserve them
- he gently strokes your head and back when he really likes you, while you slowly calm down thanks to his breathing exercises
- he wants you to know that he is there for you
- he is asking you out what the problem is, he doesn't want to waste his time and yours and maybe make the problem worse
- it may seem insensitive but he is doing this for your own good, the sooner he knows what the problem is the sooner he can help you properly
- but if you just want to talk, that's ok, he is already analyzing the real problem
- you want to eat something?ok, from where do you want to get something? He drives you there
- he is always there for you, don't forget that

- the first thing she does is ask if anyone has hurt you, if so, that bastard will die no matter who it is.
- she hates to see you like this, you should be happy and enjoy your life, cause you deserve it
- she pulls you into her arms and her smell  gives you instant comfort, she smells of roses and the finest spices
- she may not understand what is going on or why you are feeling this way but if her presence helps you to feel better she will do everything to give you what you need
- she would not like to leave you alone at this time, even if you want to be alone.
- she cooks for you anything you want
- if she can not be with you, her mother is always near you and helps you


- he probably knows best how you feel
- he is not really good at calming you down, but he try's his best, pulls you into his lap, wraps his arms around your body and covers you with a blanket
- Warmth helps, at least he thinks it does
- he is not really talkative either, but he murmurs softly in your ear how strong you are, that everything will be alright and that you will soon be able to laugh again
- he gently strokes your head, back and gives you kisses on the forehead
- he would never leave you in such a situation even if you want to be alone, because he does not want to leave you alone
- he just wants to show you that he is always with you
- when you fall asleep he puts you carefully in his bed and goes to make you something to eat like schnitzel and French fries or some other traditional food from his region

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