You get the bad news

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- You were sitting on the couch, reading a book when it knocked.
- You wouldn't know who it could be cause ghost (Simon) had a key and the next neighbor lived over twenty miles away
- You knew better than to go to the door and looked through the security cameras Simon had installed around the house
- You noticed the face immediately
- it was soap and price, you knew them from the pictures Simon had showed you
- Your blood went cold
-you'd be at the door in seconds, praying they weren't here for what you were thinking
- They were.
- You just knew it the moment soap looked into your eyes
- You may were a stranger to him but he wasn't a stranger to you
- It was way too much to handle for you, you wouldn't faith but you would break down.
- They would bring you into your house, carting you to the couch and telling you what happened.
- They told you he died while protecting the others
- He didn't die immediately though, he could hold on to his life till soap arrived, he did that for you.
- His last words were "tell them I love them" but they couldn't take his body with them, only his dog tag
- a few weeks went by, you were unable to do anything, you couldn't live any longer in the house he both shared so you went back home to your family (by blood or not)
- It broke you
- Then it came, the symbolic funeral with no body.
- It broke you even more to look at the empty coffin, knowing he wouldn't rest there, that he laid somewhere in a ditch, not getting the burial he deserved
- He was the love of your life and the only thing that you had of him were the dog tag soap had gave you, your memories of him and one letter.
- He had wrote that letter in case he would die


- It would be a very very rainy day
- You would prepare the dinner for your and his family while you would softly hum the song that played at your wedding.
- You would recognize the sound of one of his pickup immediately, but there wouldn't be the two honks he always did to assure you it's him
- you would grab the shotgun that he kept to make sure there wouldn't wait a threat
-You would lay it down the moment you recognize Rodolfos face
- You would greet him with a big smile, thinking he came to say hello or simply take some of the food
- But the closer you get to him, your smile would fade with every step
- You would notice the tears in his eyes although it would rain extremely hard
- The first few word he would say would let you know why he was there
- * Lo siento mucho*
- Your blood would went cold
- you would ask him where Alejandro was, what happened but the only thing he did was looking at the pickup
- You knew he had brought him home
- Rodolfo would have put him on the back of the truck bed and covered him with a tarpaulin
- Until the moment you pulled the tarp away, you would hope it was a nightmare that your husband wasn't lying under that tarp
- but he did and he seemed so peaceful laying there
- the next 48 hours would be hard for you (especially if u're not born in their traditions)
- they would present his body for the vigil
- eating, drinking, gifts and prays.
- His funeral would be huge, not only because he was a well known man, no, not because of that. Because he was a man many people loved
- But you would get a few minutes alone with him before he's being burried, telling him how much you loved him and that you would love him forever (you would give him something from your culture for his way to the afterlife)
-every year on your birthday flowers would come, they would be sent in his name (he had prepared that in case he died)


- you would come home on a rainy day and complain loudly about how soaked you are, only to find that, contrary to what you expected, you are not home alone
- of corse you would think it's soap so you would happily run into your living room, only to find a masked man sitting on your couch
- You knew that face, you knew it damn well and if he showed up it would mean anything but something good
- ghost would ask you to sit down, handing you a dog tag
- You would look at the name of it
- The first few moments it seemed the time stopped for you
- you wouldn't be able to process it at first, wouldn't understand what it meant only to whimper softly where your johnny is
- that would break ghost heart too
- It seems he doesn't care about anything but he does, that's why he would go to you, take his mask off and kneel in front of you
- He would apologize for it, he would tell you that it was his fault John died, that he couldn't save him and so much more
- a week later you would stand in front of his coffin, looking at his peaceful face knowing you would never see him again after that day
- the burial was long but for you it seemed to run
- after the coffin was closed and lowered into the grave it hit you
- the last week was hard, you had to plan his funeral, you couldn't sleep, nor eat or drink and everything seemed to be in cotton, nothing seemed real anymore
- the only thing you had was a place you knew he would rest forever and that you could visit that place , many other didn't have that privilege with their SO

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