How they react when you die

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- He has a lot of enemies and most of the time he can't trust his own military
-He hides you like a diamond so that nobody would ever find you
- You're the love of his life and he wants to live with you till the end of time
- It would be a rainy day and the las Almas cartel would be pretty active so he and his whole team had a lot of work to do
- he would always have his phone with him so you could call him if something were wrong but on this particular day he wouldn't and he forgot it in the base, he noticed it when it was already to late and they couldn't turn around to grab it
- not a single time did you had to call him while he was working, not a single time was there a threat for your safety not a single time in all those years
- but on this day there was a threat
- thanks to the security cams around your ranch you would notice the heavily armed men but you would notice them to late
- You would call Alejandro multiple times while trying to find a way out, but he wouldn't pick up
- you knew you had bo chance on leaving the ranch so you hid yourself good but at some point they would find you
- you would be able to take out three of the men but with a clear shot from the enemy in your shoulder would end killing your enemies pretty quick
- they would want information about Alejandro, about the other save houses and about the base
- you would give them anything, not a single word would leave your lips
- after a few hours of pure pain, you would be on the edge of collapsing while sitting on the chair where they tied you up
- you prayed in all those hours to any god that Alejandro would come and save you
- but he wouldn't
- a female voice would get the last bit of attention you had and with her pushing your chin up you would recognize her pretty fast
- Alejandro's ex wife
- You knew about her and knew how she looked like cause you saw her on a old photo of him with his old team
- she would tease you, telling you that you're not important to him 
- she knew which words hurt the most
-  before they all leave she would look at you with a sweet smile before stepping a knife into your stomach, telling you to die slowly so he would get the chance to see you die
- you fought, you fought so hard to stay alive for him, but in the end you would fall asleep and never wake up again
- the last thing you heard before leaving this world would be your wedding song that you used as your ring tone
- after he comes back from the mission he would see the missed calls and immediately call you back
- but you wouldn't answer
- while he was away working he had a bad gut feeling but tossed it away, thinking it would be nothing, but know that feeling was away and pure panic crawled through every single fiber of his body
- Never in his life did he drives that fast with his crew in the back, never in his life did he prayed so much and never in his life was he so scared like he was right know
- when he arrived at the first gates he would notice that something was clearly wrong
- at second one he knew someone had gained access
- the moment he's in front of your shared home he would scream your name
- not a single one of his soldiers could hold him back and the moment he steps into the house he would smell iron
- his stomach would drop, he knew that smell way to good
- he would call for you but wouldn't get a answer
- he would follow the smell and would see a light shine trough a half opened door, most likely from a flashlight
- he would slowly open the door hoping not to find what he expected but he did
- before they left you dying they put a flashlight so that it would light your corpse
- you would sit there  in your formerly white wedding dress/suit, with a big pool of blood around your feet
- he would run to you, put his hands on your still warm cheeks and lift your head gently
-he would whimper your name,  hoping that you would open your eyes that  he loves so much and tell him you are fine
- but you wouldn't and he knew that
- he would collapse in front of you screaming your name while he buries his head in his hands smeared with your blood 
- he would whine how sorry he is, how much he loves you... he would tell you that you can't leave him, that you can't leave like that
- rodolfo would have to drag him away from you but Alejandro would end up beating the living shit out of him so the others of his team would have to knock him out
- After your death he wouldn't be able to eat or to sleep, he would start drinking and hating himself
- he knows it's his fault, he knows it's his goddamn fault that you died, that you died like that
- the day of your funeral would end him
- he wouldn't be able to have a traditional funeral
- after everyone left the graveyard he would swear to god that he finds every single one that's responsible for your death and after a few years he would make it
- leaving only one person left on his target list
- he would look at his favorite picture of you and would place a soft kiss on the picture where your lips are
- he would whisper how much he loves you and that there's only one bastard left that he has to kill to avenge your death
-"Espero que puedas perdonarme mi amor... nos vemos del otro lado"
- with that he pulls the trigger, killing the last bastard that is responsible for your death.
- they said the only thing that can kill Alejandro is Alejandro, but they were wrong.
- it was your death that killed him, that killed the Alejandro everybody knew, that you loved...

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