MW2 You're pregnant with his baby + birth 2

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- You would notice it because of your period
- well- your non existing period
- you and price tried so many times to get pregnant and the last time you saw him was over two months ago
- You only saw him less than one hour, well at least it was a good one hour
- that one time you both just enjoyed the body from one another, couldn't be the time he gets you pregnant, could it?
- it could
- you're pregnant
- of course you're over the moon and back
- you would prepare your announcement about your pregnancy
- you would buy a cute military onesie and put it into a gift box
- the moment he comes home you would be way too nervous to tell him anything, mumbling bullshit to get him to sit on the couch and if it wouldn't be already awkward enough you would simply smack the present into his face
- he ofc would ask you if you're alright or if you have a stroke or something
- The only thing you would respond to him would be „gift"
- he would roll his eyes, not because of annoyance, no, because he finds it absolutely adorable (you don't know what about being an idiot from time to time is adorable)
- he would open it, just to close it again
- he wouldn't look at you, would open the present again and close it a few seconds later
- he would start to sob uncontrollably
- hug your big bear immediately
- he would cry so hard and pull you even more to him
- the whole pregnancy he would try his best, he would even stop to drink and smoke just for you and your baby
- he would be the one that drives you to Wendy's or
711 or McDonald's just to get whatever you want
- he once tried your pickle chocolate cake with bbq and ranch
- well- that would be the only time he's afraid of you
- honestly you scare him, what kind of iron stomach do you fricking have
- you both wanted a normal birth but your baby decided it wouldn't want to turn to the right position even with help so you would need a c section
- he's there the moment you fall asleep and the moment you wake up again
- he takes good care of his little ones :)


- You both knew you both wanted kids, it was one of the things you both agreed on, on the first date
- He wouldn't have dated you if you wouldn't have  wanted kids
- But you even though you both wanted kids you would wait at least to have children till you're married
- after that,  you both would try to get pregnant but somehow you wouldn't get pregnant
- He would test him first to see if he's the infertile one and after the test negative you would test if you're the one
- He wouldn't leave you after the doctors tell you that it's almost impossible for you to have children
- He would comfort you, telling you that if you want you could adopt a kid
- you would see yourself as a failure, not able to bear his children
- He would try to tell you otherwise
- after a while you would feel very sick, you kept throwing up, you got annoyed easily, you had pain in your limbs and you wouldn't know why
- you would ofc tell your husband about it and he would be very worried about you
- he would tell you to go see a doctor and you would do it  after he got home (you had to wait a few days)
- after all the question the doctor asked you,  he would ask you to lay down and to roll your shirt up so that he had access to your stomach
- he would tell you that you may have a tumor
- Phillip would held your hand in the minutes of uncertainty if you have tumor
- You would look at the monitor, shaking your head to what you can see
- the doctor would look at the monitor shocked
- graves would stand there not knowing what the fuck you both saw to get a reaction like that
- the moment the doc congrat  you both he would understand
- he wouldn't react to it, no smilie no tears, there would be just nothing just a stone cold Phillip graves
- he would open the back door of the van he owns, pushing you gently in it before closing the dort and wrapping his arms around you just to bury his head in your neck
- that's the moment he starts to sob and cry unconditionally
- you both would stay in that position for quite a while
- he would tell you how much he loves you and would tell you that over and over again
- he would love to lay his head against your tummy or to place his hands on it while standing behind you
- when you're asleep he talks to his baby's
- he would make a video tape for your baby, he would take a one minute video every single day, telling them anything that comes into his mind
- he wouldn't only make it to have something to watch with you and your grown up kid
- no, sadly not. He would especially do that for the case he dies on one of his missions so that you and your baby has something to remember him
- but back to the cute stuff
- whatever you want he gives you. You want feet/back rubs? He's got you. You want ice cream and French fries from McDonald's in the middle of the night? He's the first one to drive you there or to bring it to you
- he was protective over you way before but now with you pregnant it's a whole new level
- You already owns two guard dogs thanks to him but now he wouldn't allow you to leave the house at least not alone
- he is a workaholic but for he would try to give as much of his duty's to someone
- he starts to pack the baby bag over three month before your due day
- he has every single thing  planned, and for plan A there's plan B and for plan B there's plan C and going on
- He wouldn't leave your side for one Second, no matter how long the birth takes place
- expect a lot of praises
- after the long and complicated birth he would hold you into your arms, with the baby laying on your bare chest with a light blanked covering you three so that no one would see you like that but him and god


- She knew you wanted kids but ofc she can't get you pregnant and she couldn't imagine you being pregnant with someone else's child
- you would whimper into her ear that you want her baby inside you and that would be the moment she realizes she can get you pregnant
- she would tell you her idea the next morning
- she can't get you pregnant but she can give you one of her eggs
- so you both would decide which Baby daddy you both want and with some special docs and a whole fucking bible full of preparations to get you pregnant the doc's would put her eggs inside you
- you prayed that at least one egg would make it
- yeah, not only one would make it, three would make
- so yeah, you're the (un)lucky one with nig only one baby inside of you but three
- she would take good care of you the whole pregnancy
- not one of her henchman would see you the whole nine/ten month , only some very very very good "friends" of her and her family
- the moment you develop a baby tummy she would love to put her hands on your tummy or to lay her face against it
- while she does that she would mumble sweet things against it
- she would definitely "hit" your tummy playfully with one finger if one of your baby's decides to kick you and scold them to not hurt you
- when you're asleep she would talk to them
- she kisses your tummy a lot
- the birth would be quite complicated and very very long
- one of the baby's wouldn't lay correctly but because there's three inside of you it's a bit complex to turn it the right way
- but after a lot of trying, tears and her threating to kill the nurses and doctors the first baby would come out
- after 24 hours all three baby's would lay inside their crib and you exhausted in Valeria's arms with your head burried in her chest
- she would praise you a lot


- he wouldn't have  wanted kids in the first place
- he just couldn't imagine himself to settle down even though you're the one he loves the most
- he would tell you that he doesn't want kids and even though you want one you would stay with him
- thanks to his job he isn't at home most of the time but he would write you at least once a day and you would send him messages/ pics or videos
- a lot of your friends would start family's so you would be around of baby's most of your free time
- you would send him a lot of videos or pics that your friends made while you feed or played with the baby's/ toddlers
- when he's at home you don't meet your friends to enjoy your time with him but somehow you would meet one of your heavily pregnant friends with their spouse
- he would quietly watching you both interacting with each other
- that would stay inside his mind for days
- in these few days he would imagine you with a tummy too
- Somehow it would warm his heart
- the last evening he has with you till he has to work again he would tell you about it
- you would tell him that if he doesn't want kids that's okay for you but he would shush you telling you that he wants kids
- you wouldn't understand why he changed by you wouldn't complain about it
- that evening would be the start of you having a baby
- you would get pregnant that time but sadly lose your in your forth month cause of a car crash
- no matter where he is when it happens, he's home in less than 12 hours
- he would knew how much that loose affect you and would try to give you all the support you need
- he wouldn't leave your side for months
- he's sad too but ofc can't imagine the pain you go trough and he knows that
- he would make your baby a little shrine
- he would ask you if you wanted to continue on having a child and at some point you would
- the second time you get pregnant he would try to stay as much with you as he can
- he would do anything for you
- there's nothing he wouldn't do to make you feel better
- the moment you both know that it's in fact not only one child but two would make you speechless
- after a bit over nine months you would go into labor
- your pregnancy was easy compared to other ones and so is the birth of your baby's
- he would stand by your side, but would ask you at some point not to break his hand with a smile on his face
- after "only" three hours  you both would lay with your baby's in the hospital bed
- that would be besides the day you married  his happiest day

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