Their past/ how they grew up

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Includes: Ghost, Price, Soap, König, Gaz, Gromsko, Graves, Alejandro and Rudy

I find it kinda hard to write for Ghost cause we know a lot about his past and I don't want to rewrite what you already know, so I decided I write how it affects his now self


- he looks like a guy that lets nothing gets to him, cold, distant, emotionless, a born killer
- but when you get to know him he is not all that, he is not emotionless, he is not cold, he is not distant and he is not a born killer
- his soul is scared, the child in him is badly wounded and scared
- he wants to be safe, he wants to get attention but he has the feeling that he does not deserve all this
- he is also afraid that someone will hurt him again, so he pushes away the people who come too close to him
- he secretly needs physical contact, even quite a lot but doesn't know how to handle it when he gets it
- he enjoys it when Soap falls asleep leaning against him, because Soap radiates an incredible warmth and generally Soap gives him a feeling of security
- he would never admit it but he loves Soap so incredibly much, not on a romantic level but on a deeper level
- he also has incredible problems with eating, he forgets it very often if you don't remind him because it's just not normal for him to eat every day, he didn't know it differently in his childhood
- even when they are on mission he offers his food to Soap or another comrade  when he sees that they are still hungry
- he usually gave his food to his little brother
- after Soap finds out that Ghost doesn't eat much, he forces him to eat something
- he makes sure that his masked friend always has enough food and water in his belly
- another reason why Ghost loves his best friend
- Soap has adopted him and forced him to join the rest of the mctavish family.
- He is surprised how many of Soap's family there are and he is sure that the McTavishs could fill a whole village, there are so many of them.


- He was born into a large family
- he is the fourth born, out of a total of eleven children
- he helped his mother early to take care of the babies
- He often quarreled with his eldest brother, he simply did not like him and they fought at least once a day.
- Soap was also quite an active child, could hardly sit still and always had to do something
- be it playing soccer with his brothers, helping his mother to take care of the babies or letting his two little sisters do make-up  on him and braiding his hair, which was still long at that time.
- his eldest brother laughed at him because of his long hair, said he was also a girl
- that pissed soap off
- especially because his brother always smeared chewing gum, burrs and other sticky stuff in his hair
- one of the reasons why he bought hair remover in the local supermarket and smeared it in his brother's hair at night
- his brother never said or did anything after that
- Soap, however, got spanked for the first time in his life, but he never regretted it.
- when he turned fifteen he cut off his long hair, donated it and made his first Hawk
- he also knew that he was a good looking boy, one of the reasons why he had permanent new girlfriends from the age of fifteen
- this even went so far that his parents almost had to forbid him to bring a new girlfriend home every weekend
- after he joined the military it was not better with his love relationships
- but with him being  about twenty-five he realized that this did not bring him to his goal
- because he knew from early childhood that he would want to have a wife and at least three children
- and so he started to improve himself, for himself, for his future partner and for his children.


- he grew up quite normally
- together with his family in a farm house just outside the city
- his parents grew vegetables and raised cattle
- he helped from early childhood
- he is the oldest of five children and also the only boy, his other siblings are all girls
- at the beginning he was not so enthusiastic about having only sisters, but since most of them had the same interests as him he understood that it did not matter which sex the other one has.
- he let his sisters do make him up on him, they dressed him like a doll and he was horrified to find out that he could walk in high heels.
- his mother took many photos in that time, all with a disposable camera
- his father is a quiet man, very nice and polite
- his mother is also very nice and polite, but she can also get very angry very fast which keeps the whole Vargas family in breath when she gets angry
- as the eldest brother he had of course also responsibilities like taking care of his sisters
- he was the one who beat up boys twice his size if they said something wrong about one of his sisters
- when he left his family to join the army and fight for his family it was very hard for him in the beginning because he was and still is an absolute family man.
- Rodolfo helped him a lot, so they were in different squads but Rodolfo gave him a certain feeling of home and Alejandro in return gave him the self-confidence to defend himself against others.
- after he quickly got acquainted he hid his family outside of las almas, far away so no one would find them
- he was also a ladysman, he knew early on that he was good looking and he enjoyed the attention of the ladies
- but even after years and several failed relationships he knew he would not find his wife in the army
- from then on he tried not to be a flirter but to find his wife for life the old fashioned way.

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