How the MW2 character react with you wearing something from them

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- He's searching for his mask like everywhere, asking himself if he has Alzheimer's
- he just can't find it
- he sighed before he try's to find you
- he has to find it before he's leaving
- but you seems to be gone as well
- but he finds you after a while, sitting on your shared bed, like you waited for him to find you
- but not only did he found you, no, he found his mask as well
- he raises his eyebrows, tilting his head slightly at the picture in front of him before walking to you
- he lays two fingers under your chin, forcing you to look up to him
- you're wearing his mask, and he has to say, he finds it quite hot
- „that's mine"
- „I'm yours too"
- he can hear the tease in your voice
- he wraps his long and slender fingers around your throat, towering over you like your his prey
- he doesn't break eye contact, not for a second, not even to blink, his eyes practically burning into yours
- he lets his fingers slide under the mask, only to lift it far enough to free your lips, but not far enough to take it off
- he runs his thumb over your lips before leaning down to place his lips on yours
- he's gonna let you pay for stealing his mask
- ..... but he knows why you did it, and he's not gonna refuse to give you what you want
- after that, he might give you the mask more often ;)


- he thinks he's bonkers
- he's doing his and your laundry
- but where the hell did his shirt go?
- He had a walk in the morning, and except his favorite shirt everything is where he had put it
- his sweaty shorts are there, his underwear, even his fucking socks are still there, but where the hell did his shirt go
- it probably didn't get legs and walked away of his own- at least he hoped that
- so it was either the dog or it got legs and walked away
- but even after searching every hide, his dog could have put his sweaty shirt in, he couldn't find it, but even asking you if you saw it and you didn't, he just ignored it, thinking it would appear somewhere in some time
- he had to leave a few hours later, much earlier than he and you expected him to leave
- a week later he knows why his shirt disappeared
- he didn't contact you this time, he knew you were already asleep
- when he got home he found you still sleeping in your shared bed, with only his shirt on, that still smelled like him but also like you, probably cause you wore it more than just this night
- he slides his warm hand under "your" shirt and over your waist, only to pull you closer to him
- he smilies when you wake up, only to turn yourself to face him and to bury your head in the crock of his neck
- "you lied to me m' ulaidh ort"
- you only hum in response, not understanding what he means by that
- "you told me you didn't knew where my shirt was, seems I have a little thief living under my roof"
- oh- his shirt, right...
- "and I know you didn't found it, you stole it, am I right?"
- "yes" how could you denie it, his shirt still smelled like him...
- he knows why you stole it, not only to have something that smelled like for nights you couldn't sleep but for something a bit different...
- "let us see what is better darling, the imagine of me or myself~"


- You weren't in bed anymore when he woke up
- But he knew where you went too when he opened the bedroom door, smelling the fresh made coffee and breakfast
- he finds you in the kitchen, only wearing his shirt and his boxers from last night, the shirt and his boxer you were so eager to take off of him
- he wraps his arms around your waist, kissing your neck and murmuring a good morning into your ear
- once he let go of you his eyes travel over your figure, biting his own lip as he imagine you to wear his clothes more often
- "you should try to wear my stuff more often baby, it looks perfect on you, even better than on myself "
- after that he gives you his clothes regularly, almost demanding you to wear them
- you don't go to the base often, it's just a bit weird for you to visit your husband at work
- but tone time you visited him
- it was a hot summer day and you were only wearing a short with his shirt on
- believe me when I say, everybody at the base would know his first name after that. Everybody .


- he can't find his sweater, well he can't find any of his sweaters, not a single one
- where the hell did he put them
- he's sure he did the laundry, and even if he didn't, he should at least have one sweater, shouldn't he!?
- ok, if he can't find a sweater maybe something other works...
- that's the moment he notice that more than half of his clothes are missing
- he decides to visit you, his s/o that lives a bit away from the base
- you ofc welcome your his clothes.
- you're wearing only his clothes, every single piece on your body doesn't belong to you-
- he just stares at you, not blinking nothing on his mind but that you look hot in it
- he imagine how he undress you piece by piece, freeing you from his clothes- taking them back with him...
- " Ich brauche die Klamotten"
- you raise your brows, a mischievous grin on your lips
- "you mean these?"
- man's gets a heart attack the moment you put his clothes off to give them back to him
- he leaves every single piece that belongs to him where you put it, he's not gonna fuck the chance up to see you like this again
- watch him dying when you still have his shirt on while riding your "horse"


- he loves to see you in his clothes
- he gave them to you the moment you're his partner, cause as his partner you should show others men that you belong to him
- he loves that you always wears his shirt, even if he's not in the country
- you love to see him smilie just because you're wearing something that belongs to him
- there's one time you picked him up from the base
- he wasn't ready yet, waiting to get the ok from above him to leave the base
- but you were already there, sitting on his lap with his shirt on and a skirt, playing some stupid game on your phone while he worked on his laptop....
- yeah, let us say, you both quite forgot the time and found something better than work or some stupid game
- Oh and Johnny, Gaz and even Ghost are now traumatized for life.
- parents shouldn't lock their door....


- the first time seeing you in his clothes would let his exe stop working
- he needs a reboot
-" are those mine?"
- " yes"
- "looks good on you, better than on me cariño"
- he finds it hot to see you in his clothes, but doesn't tell you that at first cause he doesn't won't to sound like a creep
- that all stops when you give him something "sweet" while you're only wearing his shirt
- don't wear something from him when you're not in the mood, cause to moment he seees you he's into the mood
- he would never force you to do anything if you're not in the mood tho- he just needs to disappear for a few minutes...

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