~Chapter One~

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I inhaled a sharp breath as I walked up to the camp for the Squires. The place was surrounded by barbed wire,  buildings set up in a good, protective way to avoid intruders.

I sighed and began to think about my life. My real life.

"My name is Lieutenant Ember Carter. I am part of The Rebellion. I hate every single Squire." I recited over and over in my head.

Before Alan left me, he told me never to forget who I am. Then he told me to go surrender myself. That's why he now has a red slap mark on the side of his face!

As I walked closer to the compound, I saw a barbed wire fence come into view. Guards started running to me.

"Stop!" They demanded, guns in hand. I stopped in my tracks and put my hands up. I had rehearsed everything, I was ready.

"My name is Ember Carter!" I declared. "And I'm here to join your ranks."



After an interrogation that got them nowhere, going over the rules, and getting a new uniform, and other Squire attire, I was put in the custody of Sergeant Carlile. I was less than thrilled. My pulse rate never raised about 50.

"Okay, Newbie. Let's see what you got." Sergeant Carlile said as we walked into the training room. He tossed me a gun, and directed me to a target. I smirked.

There were two reasons I was chosen for this mission.

One: I easily gain people's trust.

Two: I'm the best.

I fired one bullet. Only one. As been said before- bullseye every time I shoot. I turned to an awestruck Sergeant Carlile.

"Uh-Um- very good, Carter..." He stuttered, taking my gun. "How about hand-to-hand?"

"Eh. I'm okay." I shrugged. I started to size up the sergeant.

He was about six foot four with tattoos on his arms, legs, chest (or what I could see), and a few on his neck. His limbs were long and lanky, probably making his slow, but hit harder.

"I can tell you're figuring out a way to beat me. Sorry to disappoint, but we aren't fighting." He smirked and turned. "Corporal Pauley!" He called across the gym. A short, dark blonde haired man jogged up. His hair fell in waves across his face, a smile gracing it. He was muscular, but kinda squishy looking- like he'd be fun to hug.

He sighed. "What do you want Carlile?" He crossed his arms over his chest.

"You're one of our best, aren't you, Pauley?" Carlile asked, the smirk never left the tall man's face.

"Yessir?" The man responded, sounding more like a question, unsure of the right answer. Insecure. Weakness. Humph.

Carlile smiled, his tongue slightly sticking out. "Good. Pauley, meet Carter. You're gonna fight her!"

Pauley shook his head. "Sir! She's a girl!"

Carlile laughed. "Good job, Pauley! You can identify girls!" He shouted.

"And I don't hit girls. It's rude!" Pauley started digging his own grave. He clearly hadn't seen many shorter girls who fight. "Also, Carter doesn't have much to her. I'd hurt her!"

Now, I don't look very muscular, but I certainly am. "Take 'em by surprise!" My dad use to say.

I sighed as Pauley continued. "She's a little la-ah!" He screamed as I flipped him over my hip. I quickly straddled his waist.

"As you were saying?" Panic showed in his eyes. "So, will you fight me or not?" He nodded submissively, and I helped him up.

We stood ready. I let him have the first move. His fist swung at me, but I ducked. I took a step forward, and knocked the wind out of him, stepping under his arm. He recovered quicker than I anticipated.

Pauley tried to kick my feet out from under me, but I jumped, my foot landing on his thigh. I did a backflip off him, but he caught my foot and pulled me to the ground, my head crashing into the floor.

Then he quickly straddled my waist. My head hurt like crazy, but I kept fighting. He pinned my hands down, finally. I screamed and slammed my head against the floor. He leaned close to my ear.

"Told you, sweetheart." He taunted. Then I hit his nose with my head. Blood started to run out. Rebellion never let a Squire win.

We were both sent to the infirmary for a concussion and broken nose. As we lie there getting stitched up, I looked over at him.

"You told me nothing, sweetheart." I smiled at him, and to my surprise- he returned it.


AN: And Aaron appears! Comment and vote, please! Love y'all!

Stay Sassy,

The Rutabaga

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