~ Chapter Six ~

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It was midnight, and I had on black skinnies, a gray t-shirt, black boots, and my Rebellion belt. I made sure my shirt covered my belt, grabbed my backpack full of all my other stuff before leaving.

It took me awhile to get there. Alan met me before I got to the bridge. I handed him my backpack full of supplies. He gave me a small smile, knowing how I was feeling about the entire predicament. I had made my choice. My choice was my cause. I put my feelings aside; just as I had been trained. 

I started second guessing when I saw him. He was leaning on the railing looking out over the flowing water. The breeze blew his dark blonde hair over out of his eyes. He looked over at me, his honey colored eyes lighting up at the sight of me. I walked up to him.

"Well, hello there, beautiful." Aaron greeted me with a smile. I felt a lump rise in my throat, and hot tears in my eyes. I couldn't do it. "Baby, what's wrong?" His voice was soft and caring. I couldn't bare myself. He kissed me, wrapped his arms around me. "Oh, baby." He sat down, pulling me with him. I put my head in the crook of his neck, my tears soaking his neck.

"I'm sorry, Aaron. I'm so sorry." I cried. I didn't want to do it. I didn't want to do it. I couldn't hurt him. I couldn't betray him.

"Ember, what do you mean? You've done nothing to be sorry for!" He told me. He didn't know what I had done. He didn't know that I was lying to him. He didn't know what I had done. He didn't know what was waiting for him behind the darkness.

I looked up at him, into his caramel eyes as if it was the last time I'd ever see them again. I gently pressed my lips to his. Our lips moved in sync until I pulled away.

"I love you, Aaron. I love you so much. Remember that. I love you." I confessed, my forehead leaning on his. I wanted him to know and I wanted him to remember me as his friend that was new to Squire and the war. I wanted him to remember me as his friend that he fell in love with.

"I love you, too, Ember. I will. I will remember." Aaron said softly. He could tell something terrible was off. 

"Promise you'll love me no matter what?" I asked. I couldn't bear it if he hated me after he found out.

"I swear." He kissed me again. I started to cry again. "Oh, baby." He kissed my forehead. "I'll always love you."

"Lieutenant Ember Carter! Let's go!" Alan yelled. "I'm sick of waiting!" I looked up to see Alan standing with our good friend, Sergeant Tino. No last name. Just Tino.

Aaron looked at me, shock painted on his face. "L-Lieutenant?!" He yelled. I nodded in shame. Alan walked up with a pair of handcuffs. Aaron didn't fight as Alan cuffed him to Tino. All Aaron did was stare at me.

"I'm sorry." I told Aaron. I kissed him one last time. I got off his lap, and stood by Alan. Tino jerked Aaron up. As he got up, he stared at me. Alan wrapped his arms around me as I buried my face in his chest.

"Come on, Emmy." He cooed to me, handing me my bag. We walked behind Tino and Aaron. The entire time I was yawning and about to pass out.

"I think we should stop here." Tino finally declared. Ten minutes later, camp was set up. Aaron was still handcuffed to an already asleep Tino. I walked to him.

"Aaron?" I asked as I sat beside him. He turned away from me. 

"Go away, Lieutenant Carter." He said, venom dripping his voice. I gently placed my hand on his thigh.

"Aaron, I'm sorry. Please listen to me." I begged, my voice showed my desperation.

"What? Let me guess; you had no choice? It's for the good of your people? You had to lie to me?" He quietly yelled, trying not to wake Tino. "Was I just part of your cover? Did you lie about loving me?" His voice was clear with hurt. "Did you tell me you're sorry and that you love me to make me feel okay with this?!" He was angry, hurt, and felt betrayed. His hatred for me matched how I felt about myself as well. 

"No, Aaron! No! I honestly do love you!" I promised him. He pulled away from my touch.

"Good night, Lieutenant." Then he laid down, and turn facing away from me. I sighed in defeat and walked over to my spot with my stuff.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep with an aching in my chest.


A/N: Well, I'm off to hire Kodie and JJ as my bodyguards

Stay Sassy, 

The Rutabaga

Play Pretend (Aaron Pauley)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora