Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Melanie's POV

When we walk in I don't see anyone, so I assume Nik's in the family room. When we reach it I see Kol starring at himself in a mirror, Nik sketching and Rebekah's trying on a very pretty green dress.

"Uhm, what's going on?" I ask very confused.

"We my sister, we are hosting a ball." Elijah tells me while walking into the room.

"Brought a snack home have we?" Kol ask while smirking at himself in the mirror.

I snarl at him while standing protectively in front of Jeremy "No".

"Well who is he dear sister?" He asks annoyed.

"Leave them be Kol. Melanie, Jeremy lets go into my studio shall we." He beckons us to follow him.

After we get in there and sit down, me and Jeremy on the couch and Nik across from us on a chair, Nik asks "So this is your soulmate?"

"Yes, this is Jeremy Gilbert." I smile while saying his name as if it's the best thing in the world.

He then turns to Jeremy and asks "Are you willing to become a vampire?"

I give him a confused look while Jeremy asks "What?"

"I see, Melanie has failed to tell you." He shoots me a look and continues on, "When we find our soulmate, we can not live without them, it is said that all of our soulmate will be turned into a vampire so we can be together forever, but one. When our soulmates turns into vampires they will not be an ordinary vampire but an original vampire."

"What if your soulmates already a vampire?" Jer asks.

This time I answer "It does not matter if you have met them before or not because my siblings would not know they were their soulmates until after I found mine. If there soulmate is already a vampire they will go through the transition of becoming an original once they see my sibling." I smile at Nik knowing he wants it to be Caroline but also knowing he doesn't want it to be her because he thinks she would be settling for him, which she wouldn't if she realized what a great guy he is.

"I do want to become a vampire, but only when I look older then Melanie. Right now i look like I could be younger and I don't want that. I want to look a bit older." He says this like he's determined for it to happen.

"Wait, Jer why do you want to look older?" I ask confused.

"I don't want people to think your a cougar or that it's weird that your dating someone younger then you, I don't want people to judge you based on what I look like." He tells me sincerely.

I just smile and swoon while Nik rises and says "I think we're done here, I have an invitation to give and Melanie might I suggest you ask young Jeremy here if he wants to be your date." Nik just leaves after that to, call it sisters knowledge, give Caroline her invitation.

"O right. Jer, do you want to be my date to this ball that we're apparently having?" I ask hopefully.

He just smiles and says "Only if you'll go on a date with me tomorrow."

"I'd love too." I smile.



The ball started about 20 minuets ago and still no Jeremy. I'm in a pink dress that goes down to my ankles, it kind of looks like a dress a princess would have worn. My blonde hair is curled down to my hips and I'm now standing at 5'7 with my 4' silver sparkly heels.

The doors open and there's Caroline. Nik sees her and I can just tell by the look on his face that she's his soulmate, now all he has to do is tell her. When Caroline catches Nik's eye, she grabs her stomach as if she's in pain. Then I realized she must be transitioning into an original. Nik must have figured it out because he quickly rushes over to her and rushed her out of the room.

Then the doors opens again but in comes Elena and Jeremy. Stefan and Damon quickly walk to the door while I take my time.

"I thought we agreed you wouldn't come?" Damon asks.

"I-" I cut Elena off with whatever bull crap she was about to say by walking up to them and smiling.

"Hi Jer."

"Hi Melanie, you look beautiful." He says with real wide eyes it's so funny.

"And who may you be?" Damon asks quiet rudely.

"Sorry I didn't introduce myself, I'm Melanie Mikaelson." I flash them a smile while Jeremy comes and puts a hand on my lower back.

"Wait so baby Gilbert over here is dating an original?" Damon asks.

"Ya no not happening." Elena says while shacking her head.

"You know what Elena, you should stop talking because if you haven't notice you have your own problems in the dating category." Jer snaps at her.

I turn to Jeremy now more concerned about him then the others, "Jer calm down, we talked about this. It's better to have a sister then not to. Any way it's not like she's going to stop us, she doesn't know the half of it." I spit the last bit at Elena.

We hear a clinking of glasses and I turn to see Elijah on the stairs trying to get everybody's attention. Oh sit me and Jer are supposed to be there. I quickly drag Jer over there till we stand on the staircase holding hands and smiling at each other.

While Elijah is talking I lean in to Jeremy and whisper "You look very handsome tonight."

He just smiles at me and leads me to the dance floor with all the other couples.

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