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[ act iv - peace for those that earned it ]
( the second battle for kattegat )

[ act iv - peace for those that earned it ]CHAPTER THIRTY-FOUR( the second battle for kattegat )

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     TORSTEN STOOD ON THE BATTLEFIELD STARING DOWN AT IVAR and King Harald's army. He stood before the men and women of his wife's army. Revna and Maximus by his side. Slowly their swords were drawn and Torsten and Maximus held their shields up. Revna held her spear in her hands. Her ax on her belt.

"I will not say goodbye to either of you today," Torsten said softly so only Revna and Maximus could hear. "I will see you both after this battle."

Maximus was going to reply but the war drums began to sound loud in their ears and hearts. The wind fluttered past them as they stood in lines waiting for Lagertha to make her call. They watched as she drew her sword and held it up. Kohl covered her eyes and her hair braided back as she stared out before them.

The moment before battle was so intense they you could cut the tension with a single slice of a sword. Lagertha brought her arms down and Bjorn barked out an order as arrows flew to Ivar's army, killing some.

"Forward!" Was shouted as Ivar's army charged toward them.

Lagertha shouted an order as they began to rush toward them. It did not matter if death was just on the other side. For them it just meant their mortal life was over, they would return the the great hall of Valhalla where they would feast during the day and raise arms once again at night.

As Torsten's shield pushed forward and hit a man his thoughts ran to Althea, his wife, the mother of his unborn child. He could see her standing in front of him, her hair as white as the snow that fell during winter. She was not here physically but she was with him in spirit as he killed any man and woman he came across.

On the battlefield iron and steel did not discriminate. They were all born into this world kicking and screaming, covered in the blood of another and that was the way they would go out. Covered in their own blood and the blood of their enemies.

Torsten fought with a force that mirrored his wife's. He fought as if she was here fighting in his place. He was fierce as he swung his sword, instead of the blood that spilled he could smell the scent of lavender - Althea's signature scent.

Torsten could see King Harald as he took down his own brother, Halfdan. Torsten made his way toward Harald, hitting another with his shield as it ended up being torn from his arm. He quickly pulled the ax from his belt as he swung his sword taking the man down. The shield begin forgotten as Torsten raised his sword to King Harald.

"You think you can kill me?" King Harald laughed.

Torsten smirked, "I know I can. Just be grateful the slave girl you raped carries your child so your name will live on through them."

Torsten swung his sword and ax in his hands as King Harald charged at him. Torsten dodged as his ax caught King Harald's side. Torsten heard him groan loudly as the man's hand came up to his side. He could see the blood on his fingers. Torsten stared at King Harald through his eyebrows.

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