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[ act ii - burn the kingdoms down ]
( may the gods watch over you )

     THE MORNING AIR WAS CLEAN AND CHILLY AS THEY STEPPED FOOT onto the battlefield, looking down on the Saxons, looking at their pitiful army

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     THE MORNING AIR WAS CLEAN AND CHILLY AS THEY STEPPED FOOT onto the battlefield, looking down on the Saxons, looking at their pitiful army. The order was given and the heathens walked away from the Saxons splitting into two as they continued back to the other side of the hill. They could hear the Saxons ridding closer, feel the vibrations of horse and men walking closer.

Maximus had found out information about the people who tried to kill her and it was in fact Lagertha. She thought maybe Ivar was behind it but knowing that Lagertha was after her made her even more ready for this fight. Althea knew Lagertha was a great shield-maiden but all great things come to an end. She would take that woman down if it was the last thing she did.

Althea ran through the woods jumping over a fallen tree with a bow in her hand, her ax, and sword on her belt. The men and women of her army following her. A group flanked behind the Saxons, causing them to go after them. Althea came to a stop next to Bjorn as he fired the first arrow into the Saxon army. Everyone else followed after - Althea steadied her breath firing arrow after arrow, with no intended destination.

She could hear the Saxons leader shout orders as she kept firing her arrows. Arrow after arrow was shot, as the Saxons started advancing toward them the arrows stopped. A man stepped out of the shield wall two soldiers following after him. Althea ducked and hid behind a tree and fallen branches.

He walked closer to the woods looking in, words were exchanged before he turned and saw Ivar with more men on the hill. The Saxons quickly moved into position to deal with Ivar and those men. Floki then gave the signal of four horn blasts causing the Vikings to leave.

Ivar was teasing the Saxons. Althea watched as the Saxons rode towards their boats, a trap. The heathen army used their land against them. Trapping the Saxons, arrows rained down upon them from one direction. Althea and her men followed Bjorn to one of their sides, flanking them.

"Shield wall!" Bjorn shouted, Gunnar and Maximus raised their shields, Althea standing between the two men. Her sword in her right hand raised above both of their shields and her ax in the other.

"May the gods watch over you." Althea spoke as she looked at Gunnar, "Watch your back."

"Same goes for you, Althea the Bloodthirsty." Gunnar replied smiling softly at her.

"And may your god watch over you Maximus." Althea said to the Christian she called her brother and friend.

"And you Princess." Maximus spoke as he drew his sword keeping his shield up. Althea was ready she breathed in deeply and watched the Saxons.

"Charge!" The Saxon leader screamed as the Saxons ran towards them.

"Charge!" Bjorn screamed.

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