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~Flora's POV~

I stretched my arms over my head as I got out of bed the next day, smiling slightly to myself as I saw Knox had texted me a little heart before he went to bed last night, the notification still on my phone. Though we had skipped the phone call for his sake, I had also ended up falling asleep rather early, so perhaps I'd been more tired than I thought too.

After I quickly sent a response, I headed into the bathroom and began to get ready for the day, trying to be quick so Knox wouldn't have to wait on me for too long. Although he and I weren't able to spend much time together lately, we at least still drove to and from work together, which I was happy about.

As I grabbed a towel when I got out of the shower, I began to put on a bit of makeup after I was wrapped in the towel, waiting for my hair to dry in the mean time. I quickly finished getting dressed after I was done doing my makeup, snatching up a black across-the-body bag on my way out of my bedroom.

Knox was already waiting patiently when I exited my apartment, leaning against the wall by his front door when I came out. A smile graced my lips. "Were you waiting for long?" I asked, glancing at him over my shoulder as I locked my front door. I then turned and shoved my keys into my bag, stepping closer to him. "Nah." He hummed with a shake of his head, throwing a muscular arm over my shoulders.

"Good." I sighed in relief, not minding when he pulled me into his side. We headed over to the elevator and went out to Knox's car, climbing in the front seats with one another.

Almost as soon as we both had our seatbelts buckled, Knox reached over and slipped his right hand into mine, a little grin slipping onto my face. There was something simple yet endearing about the fact that he sought to hold my hand even when driving.

We arrived rather quickly to Interstellar and I reluctantly pulled my hand from his when we stopped in the parking lot, unbuckling my seatbelt. As I went to get out of the car, Knox gripped gently onto my elbow, causing me to pause and glance over at him curiously. "Is something wrong?" I asked, searching his face.

He leaned over the console seat between us and kissed me roughly without responding, the sudden action catching me off guard yet certainly eagerly accepted. I hummed against his lips and kissed him back, my fingers threading through the soft hair at the back of his head. My lips felt slightly swollen by the time he pulled away, the both of us breathing heavily as I reluctantly fluttered my eyes open.

My head spun a bit with the way my heart raced from the kiss as I peered at him through my lashes. "W-What was that for?" I asked, trailing my fingers down to his bicep from where they were in his hair. He hummed and brushed his thumb over my bottom lip, flicking his gaze from my mouth to my eyes. "Because I wanted to." He answered lowly. "I feel like I've barely gotten to kiss you this week."

I snickered teasingly and grinned at him. "Aw, you missed kissing me." I couldn't help but to tease. A smirk formed on his lips, sexy and playful. "I have been missing that," He admitted shamelessly. "Among many other things, of course."

More than a little flustered at his obvious innuendo, I cleared my throat and brushed my hair behind my ear. "Right." I almost choked out, a blush in my cheeks. "Well, we should head inside now.." I suggested, unsure how exactly to respond. It seemed that was more than obvious to him, too, because he just laughed and shook his head in amusement.

Nonetheless, we both got out of the car and headed inside together to start our shifts.


My eyes constantly flicked over to Knox's large frame beside me as he drove us back home after work, unable to help myself from ogling a different part of his body with each glance.

First his large hands, his arms and the way the muscles in them flexed, then his full lips or the sharp line of his jaw. The tightness of his t-shirt and then, finally, my eyes slid lower. His legs were slightly spread and I bit my lip at how muscular his thighs were, a flush creeping up my neck when I saw the sizable bulge in his jeans. He wasn't even hard, and that fact just reminded me how much bigger he could get when he was. My thighs clenched and I quickly looked away again.

If I stared at this man any longer, I'd be tempted to do something I shouldn't.

At least I told myself this, and yet I couldn't help but to take another look at him. Eventually, after a few more minutes of that, Knox finally took notice and raised a brow as he turned his head slightly to glance at me. "Something wrong, doll?" He asked, focusing on the road quickly again.

I hummed, feigning ignorance. "Huh?" I said, frowning. "No, nothing. Just..thinking." I answered, which technically wasn't a lie at all. He just didn't need to know what exactly I was thinking about. But who could blame me for it, really? I'd grown so accustomed to Knox being so touchy with me that I was already missing it and it had only been a little over a week now. Really, the fact that I was so needy for him was kind of his fault, if I thought about it.

However, admitting that to him was a little bit embarrassing, so I opted to try to hide it instead. And I'd say I did pretty well at that, because he didn't seem to notice my subtle thigh clenching all the way back to the apartment.

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