POV: You're a woman in an army of men-Pt.2

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2) Yeah....They've Never Heard of It

Warnings: Blood? I mean, you'll see-

POV- Rin

Jakku was hot.

It was hot and humid and sandy and kriffing uncomfortable to be in, let alone fight in.

Yet, duty calls and droids weren't has effected by hot weather and sand storms as clones and Jedi were.  So here they were, trying to regain a base in the desert. A kriffing useless base that could be spared in my humble opinion. 

The battle brought me back into focus as sand exploded around me. I spat out a mouthful of the grainy rock distastefully and peaked up and over my shoulder, dodging back down quickly to avoid the fresh rounds of blaster fire being rained down on us. 

"Commander! A new wave just entered at 14:00, they've got spider droids and three tanks sir," Bluejay shouted from my right. "Oh for kriff's sake-" I muttered, making my way over to Bluejay's position. And sure enough, a new wave with new problems had arrived. 

I ran my tongue over my cracked lips in frustration. We didn't have the numbers right now to launch an assault, but we also had too many to retreat back. "Focus fire on the tanks," I ordered, " And someone with a good arm grab some droid poppers for those spider droids!" A chorus of 'yes sirs' rang out and the men around me began moving to follow through. 

"Sir, droid poppers are ready and waiting," a shiny said. I nodded and shuffled over to the line of troopers with poppers in hand. I took a quick breath and nodded to them. "On my count-," I said, raising my arm, "Three, two, one, TOSS EM'"

They launched the poppers and I reached out, nudging them forwards to the spiders and dropping them when they were close enough. 

"Four down, two remaining!," Bluejay called out. "We're out of poppers sir!," another trooper yelled. " Keep your focus on them, I'm calling for backup," I ordered, shifting away from the front lines. I hit my comm and waited to see my master's signal flicker to life.

" Master, we could really use some reinforcements about now," I huffed as another sand way hit me. "I thought you reported the battle was nearly finished," he inquired, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "Well our friends here also decided to call for backup," I grumbled, feeling sand run down my back as another shell hit our lines. "We shall be there momentarily then, hold the line until we arrive." I nodded and the call ended.

"Hold on a bit longer boys! Reinforcements incoming," I shouted, igniting my sabers and standing up to deflect incoming shots.

"Bomb squad?," Bluejay asked hopefully, rolling to my feet to avoid an explosiong. 

Regaining my balance, I groaned.

"Didn't say," I snapped, "Let's just focus on the fight and pray to the maker Master Plo sends something decent." He nodded quickly and we focused on the battle for a solid two minutes before he opened his mouth again. 

"Commander...are you alright?," Bluejay asked hesitantly. I leaned to the right quickly to avoid a shoot and gave him a 'you're joking' look. "Bluejay, we are in the middle of an active battle zone, of course I'm not perfectly alright," I glowered. "Well, commander, sir, you just seem a little....", he trailed off. "Spit it out Bluejay!," I grumbled, shifting my weight to avoid the creeping cramp in my stomach. Probably from practically swallowing this kriffing sand!

"We've noticed you seem a little....tense?," he said. "Tense?!," I half yelled, looking down at him, " It's a kriffing war zone! Of course I'm tense!" I could see his jaw drop under the helmet and several others gave me a shocked look. "Yeah, I kriffing swore, PLEASE RETURN ATTENTION TO THE SHINY OSIK!," I bellowed and they all dropped and fired back.

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