Never Insult Someone Not Afraid to Throw Hands Pt. 2

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Rin's POV

The walk to an old training room Master Plo and I used for meditation was silent, and I couldn't tell if I was relieved or stressed out more by it.  All anger and confidence I'd held in the hanger was gone and now I was just an anxious mess with four heavily armored, highly trained clones behind me that I'd just threatened to throw into the airlock. 

I saw the door ahead and gently sighed. "In here," I said, walking in and flipping on the lights.  

They shuffled in after me and I crossed to the other side of the room, settling on the floor. "Have a seat," I gestured, closing my eyes for a moment of silent meditation. I would need it for this upcoming conversation. 

Hunter's POV

The walk was quiet as we were lead to wherever it was this girl was taking us. Beside me I saw Crosshair chewing aggressively on his toothpick and I scowled at him. He noticed and had the sense to ignore it. He knew I was pissed at him for his comment to the Commander, not just because it could very well get us all decommissioned and he said it to a kriffing commanding officer, but because it was a Jedi. 

A Jedi who was currently making her way up Hunter's short list of respected officers. He'd rarely seen anyone try to silence the Wolf Pack, and never anyone do it but General Plo. And Hunter would admit, his respect for Plo was only beat by his respect for Cody. 

"In here," the Commander said, taking us into a small room. The floor was one large mat and the walls were bare, clearly an abandoned room, probably for training. She settled down on the floor on the other side. "Sit," she said before closing her eyes. 

We looked awkwardly at each other before sitting down in full gear. She didn't stir as the gear clunked and rattled around, nor did she stir when all was quite again.

I observed her as we waited for her to speak.

Commander Rin had certainly seen battle, the worn out look on her face even in rest proved that, as did the fresh bacta patch on her arm. She was younger now that I looked, maybe 18, and she had another lightsaber strapped to her belt. I noticed her hands shake slightly and guilt struck me slightly. 

We'd known the General was gone when we came for repairs, so everything probably fell to this girl, and all we'd done was make her life 10x harder.

My guilt was paused as she sighed deeply and opened her eyes. 

Rin's POV

Wrecker was bored, Tech was unbothered, Hunter uneasy and guilty, and finally Crosshair angry and slightly nervous. 

Their force signatures were all loud in the small space and if I hadn't been living in a war zone, it would have startled me. But it was the grasp I needed for the conversation at hand.

I sighed deeply and opened my eyes.

"Do you mind if I drop the ranks here," I asked, " I don't particularly care about them."

"Ummm, sure, sir," Hunter said quickly.

I smiled slightly. "Good, now," I said, straightening my spine, " Why exactly are you on such bad terms with the 104th? I've heard their side of the story, but I'd like to hear yours too." 

Hunter looked surprised and turned slightly to face his batch mates. Tech shrugged and Hunter turned back to me.

"We've never gotten along with regs sir," he said. "Because to them we're freaks," Crosshair snapped, " They don't respect us, so why respect them?" "Crosshair," Hunter warned. 

" The 104th disrespected you?," I asked, raising an eyebrow. Hunter shifted uncomfortably, "Not directly sir, but-" "Have you indirectly insulted you? Harassed you? Been cruel or unjustified in their behaviors?," I asked rapidly. "We've come to expect disrespect from others sir," Hunter answered. " I didn't ask what you expected, I asked what happened," I said sternly.

" I believe he just gave you an answer Commander," Tech pipped up, "We've truly become used to the treat given to us, we expected nothing else to change upon our first meeting here." 

" Forgive me Tech, my I don't give to bantha asses about your expectations. Did MY men, the 104th battalion, ever disrespect or harm you?," I asked. They all exchanged looks.

"No," Hunter said, "No, they didn't." "And so you insulted a man they respected and expected their respect? You insulted them with no motivation and didn't even give them a chance?," I asked, standing up.

I walked past them and to the door.

"It sounds like you've become the exact clones you hate," I said shortly before opening the door and stepping out. 

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