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HI Guys-

First, I want to say that I started this on another account, but switched to this one cause the other one kept glittching.

Second off- I wanted to say some things=

1) If you are not a supporter of the clones- then this book is not for you.

2) Cannon is often forgotten in this.

3) Krell will be hated on, and Tarkin, oh and Palpatine.

4) THIS IS NOT A CLONE X OC- I'm sorry I support family fluff too much. (This also isn't a Jedi x OC, again, I love family fluff.)

5) My characters may be gay/lesbian/trans/bisexual/asexual- everyone gets equal amounts of love here

6) Plo Koon is the father figure to all clones and Shaak Ti is the mother figure to all clones- anyone can fight me on this.

7) Hondo is an iconic character who I will put in this if only to slowly write about Obi-Wan losing his mind.

That's pretty much all :D

Anyways, hope you all enjoy- I promise to update when I can!!


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