Never Insult Someone Not Afraid to Throw Hands

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OC: Rin, 104th Commander and Padawn of Plo Koon

"So the Bad Batch is stopping by? This outta be good," Sinker mumbled through a mouthful of grub. "Yeah, last time I pretty sure the only reason civil war didn't break out was because the General was here," Ace added, going for a a piece of Sinker's meat rations. "Except the General isn't here this time, he's on Coruscant for that big council meeting," Boost pointed out. "The Commander's still here though, so hopefully she's keep some peace," Warthog muttered. 

"Keep the peace? Planning another Hide and Go Stun game?," a new voice asked. The clones looked up to see their commander walking towards their lunch table. "Sir," they all said respectfully. "At ease," Rin said, rolling her eyes, "We aren't on duty." "Old habits die hard sir," Ace teased. Rin rolled her eyes again before stealing Ace's bacon. "Hey!," he cried. "Please, you stole it from Sinker," Rin said, munching on her prize. "I stole it fair and square though," Ace whined before Boost slapped him upside the head. 

"Now what's going on?," Rin asked. "Clone Force 99 is stopping by for some ship repairs and general restock Commander," Warthog replied. "I know, I signed off their visit this morning?," she questioned, taking another bit of bacon. "Well, the 104th and the Bad Batch have a bit of a.......tense relationship," Ace said. "And by tense he means blood is shed whenever we come in contact," Sinker said, "Those guys are some of the worst clones I've ever meet."

"I've heard.....rumors about their means of success, but they are still great soliders and your brothers," Rin said, pointing a spoon at Sinker, " Besides, they can't help their mutations, I see no reason to dislike them for-" "I could give a damn about their mutations," Boost said angrily, "I'd welcome them as brothers in a heartbeat if they weren't such pricks."

"To be fair, they aren't all bad," Ace said, "Sergeant Hunter is perfectly fine." "Yeah and Wrecker isn't so bad, just really energetic and violent," Warthog added, "He gave me some great explosive tips last time know...the big fight." "So two out of four are fine? Then what's the issue?," Rin asked. " The issue is Crosshair," Boost seethed, "Biggest piece of shit in the galaxy, personally, I'd love nothing more than to shove up a Bantha's-" "HEY NOW, young ears," another voice said.

Rin smacked the hands covering her ears away, glaring at their owner. "Comet, I'm 14," Rin deadpanned. "And our commander and our vod'ika," Comet said, sitting down next to Rin, also joined by Wolffe. "So what are your opinions on the Bad Batch?," Rin pried, "We've covered Wrecker and Hunter so far, with.....fairly clear details about Crosshair." "Well Hunters and Wrecker are fine with me, and truly Tech isn't that bad-he just has a habit of talking to everyone like they're stupid. Which can piss people off really quick. And Crosshair...." "Crosshair has a habit of looking at you and tearing you apart well wearing a stupid smirk," Wolffe finished, " What really did it last time is when he started to insult General Plo."

"Seriously?," Rin questioned. She had yet to met a clone that didn't admire or respect her master. "Yeah, hadn't even met him," Ace said, " That's how the fight happened, he started making some pretty savage comments about the General and well...we weren't going to take that." "And as soon as one member got into a fight, the others joined right away," Sinker said, "I'll give it to them, they're loyal to each other." "Then the General came as soon as blasters started coming out and yelled at us all," Boost smirked, "Angriest I'd ever seen him." "He and Hunter went to talk for a minute well the rest got into their ship, Hunter came back, they left, and they haven't returned since," Comet finished the story. "Good riddance to em',"Wolffe muttered.

"But yeah, benefit of the doubt, I mean it's been two years," Warthog said hopefully, standing to through his tray away. "I'll keep that in mind," Sinker muttered, going with him. Wolffe, Ace and Boost followed shorty, leaving only Rin and Comet left at the table.

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