The Fett Family Folk Tales- Part One

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(Because it is Pride Month and I love a good modern AU for Star Wars-)


Name: Jinx Fett

Siblings: Cody Fett, Waxer Fett, Boil Fett, Gregor Fett, Longshot Fett, Wooley Fett

Cousins: Many

Appearance: Short and curly pink hair, round glasses, triple piercings in the ears

Age: 17

Occupation: Part time worker at Plo's Cafe

Gender: Male

Additional Info: Youngest in the Fett Family, Twins with Wooley Fett

Jinx's POV

I sighed miserably as I watched Ahsoka serve coffee to another group of guys at table six. The one with bright green dreadlocks and soft brown skin said something to her and the they all laughed hard. He was my type. But also most likely straight.

"You could have taken over for me, that one dude seems to have caught your attention," Ahsoka suddenly whispered to me in a teasing voice. I jumped and glared at her. She raised a white eyebrow at me, daring me to argue against the obvious. "Ok yeah, he's pretty cute," I mumbled, pretending to wash a glass out. "Kit Fisto, he goes to our school. I think he's a senior," Ahsoka said, starting to make a mocha frappe, "He also got your favorite, a mocha frappe." "Match made in heaven," I said sarcastically, "Ahsoka, he's probably straight and most definitely has a girlfriend." "You never know, you could ask," she said, finishing of the drink with mocha drizzle. "Hi, I think you're cute. Are you gay? And could I get your number?," I said, voice oozing with sarcasm that everyone in my family carried. "Well thank you, and yes to both other questions," someone said from the counter.

I froze, my entire face going completely red. Ahsoka snorted and ran to the break room, her laughter echoing in the small cafe. I turned and saw the Kit smiling at me from the counter. "Call me when you get off," he said, throwing a wink as he slide a piece of napkin towards me before grabbing his drink and rushing to meet back with his friends as they left. " Holy kris," I breathed, grabbing the napkin and shoving it into my pocket. Ahsoka came back to the counter, grinning madly. " Sooooo.....?," she said eagerly. " I got his number," I said softly. She squealed and we both smiled brightly. 


"Text you later love," Kit said as he dropped me off at work, stretching across to the passenger seat to kiss my check. "I hope those kids don't give you to much trouble today," I chuckled, hopping out of the car. "Swimming and kids, always an unpredictable situation," Kit replied smiling. "Have fun," I said, waving as he pulled out of the parking lot. 

"Sooooooo.........I have a question," Ahsoka said. I looked up from where I was counting change. "Shoot," I shrugged. " Do any of your brothers know you have a boyfriend? Or that you're gay? Does anyone actually know besides me?," she asked. "Ummm....nope," I said nervously. Ahsoka raised an eyebrow at me. " So you'll inform them at the wedding, smart move," she said, rolling her eyes. "I know, I know, it's just- well, I'm really scared to tell them," I mumbled. Ahsoka's eyes went soft. " Hey, I know it's scary. I was terrified of telling my brother about it," she said gently. "That's different Ahsoka, I mean- Padme would have killed him if he didn't accept you for who you are," I said. "I believe his words were actually something like, I'm impressed that any gender could put up with you Snips," Ahsoka huffed, " But besides that- I'm sure your brothers will be fine with it. I mean, your family loves you like crazy. Plus I'm 99% sure your brother Cody is dating my Uncle Obi-Wan" " For the last time, they are just friends," I mumbled, " Okay, I'll tell them tonight." " That's my boy!!," Ahsoka cheered

I waited patiently for Cody to pick me up from work, but my hands were shaking. I didn't even notice our van pull up until Cody honked at me. After jumping out o my own skin, I crawled in the back only to be meet by Wooley. " You good Jinx? You looked sick," Wooley said immediately, his eyes worried. " I'm fine Wooley, just nervous," I breathed. " About?," Cody asked from the front. " I'll tell you guys when we get home, I want to let everyone know at once," I said softly. " Sounds good," Wooley said before Cody could get a word out. 

The drive took way shorter than I planned, and before I knew it I was seated in front of my brothers. All who shared a similar worried face. " You okay Jinx? Talk to us brother," Gregor said comfortingly. " We're here for you brother," Waxer said gently. I swallowed nervously. "Well about six months ago-," " Tell me you weren't the one who vandalized the school with the skull art," Boil interrupted. " Please, we all know that was Crosshair," Longshot said, rolling his eyes.      " Really? I heard it was Slick!!," Wooley gasped. "Nah, Slick is a member of the track team, he wouldn't risk being put off the Sectional Tournament-"

" I have a boyfriend," I blurted out and the room froze. No one spoke for a solid five minutes. " You'," Waxer finally asked. " No, no, I just started to date a girl named Boyfriend- YES I'M GAY," I said sarcastically. " Who and how long?," Boil questioned. "Kit Fisto, and about six months," I mumbled, avoiding eye contact. " Well invite him to dinner tomorrow so we can meet him," Cody said, shrugging before getting up for coffee. "You guys are okay with this?," I asked in disbelief. " Of course, so long as you're happy," Gregor said. " Fives and Hardcase might beat you up for telling them about your boyfriend sooner, but other than that you'll be fine," Longshot chuckled. I smiled in relief. " We are your brothers Jinx, and we'll be there for you no matter who you love, what your gender is, or what you want to  be," Cody said from the kitchen. " Actually, I might have an issue if he wants to be a stripper or something," Wooley objected. We all rolled our eyes at him. " So basically you don't want me to be richer than you," I said. 

Later that night after everyone went to bed, Cody stood alone in the kitchen holding a cup of tea. " Wonder when I should tell about Obi-Wan," he muttered to himself.

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