Introducing Some of My OCs

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Rin Malddon

- Padawn of Plo Koon

- Friends: Ahsoka Tano, Ninna Strolle, Obi-Wan Kneobi, Ally Zinch, Matteo, Bariss Offee, Bad Batch, Aayla Secura, Kit Fisto, entire 104th battalion, many other clones, Depa Billaba

- Age: at the start of the Clone wars, age 13, and kind of changes per story

- Species: Half Human, half unknown

- Pansexual 

- Appearance: Green eyes, orange-ginger hair (idk if that's a real hair color name, but she's got like very orange-red ginger hair if that makes sense)(length varies),  facial markings(blue triangles) along her jaw line, about 5'7 (when she's fully grown, around age 16), her skin is tan and has a small orange tint to it, wear brown leggings, a brown tank top, arm guards and shin guards with one shoulder guard that has the Wolf Pack symbol on it

- Two green sabers (like Ahsoka's)

Ally Zinch

- First master- Ima-Gun Di, now is the padawan of Obi Wan Kenobi

- Friends: Ninna, Rin, Ahsoka, Bariss, Allie Gallie, Strass Gallie, Cody, Waxer and Boil, the entire 212th, Yaddle, Hondo

-Age: 16 when the war started

- Species: Pantoran

- Bisexual, but tends to lean slightly more towards women

- Appearance: Blue skin with golden facial markings under her eyes, yellow eyes, about 5'10, light purple hair that goes down to her waist, long side bangs, a golden headband, dark grey long sleeve crop top, black leggings, dark purple skirt thing (like Luminara's in the Clone Wars)

- one blue saber

Ninna Stolle

- Padawan of Kit Fistro

- Friends: Ally, Ahsoka, Rin, Xian, Kit Fisto, Moonk, Quilian Vos, Aayla Secura, Luminara Undulii, Bariss Offee

- Age: 16 when the war started

- Species: Twi'lek

- Bisexual, tends to lean more to guys

- Appearance: blush pink skin with patches of yellow and orange, golden eyes and freckles, leather headdress, long sleeve with loose sleeves, shorts that go down to her knees

- one blue saber

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