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Florence didn't know where she got those ideas. Because of her worries, even the world of science and medicine came out of the blue.

She just noticed that they were both slowly walking at the wide patio of the mansion.

"Sorry about what happened." She started. She can't just take him being mad at her.  Now that he knew his condition.

"Which one?"

"Hey, what do you think of me? Collecting sins? I'm sorry that I gave you problem with your grandma. But I will never feel guilty about happened to you and Anette."

"I'm not surprised."

"Donn, come on. Don't you think it's a good thing that you and Anette got separated this early? I mean, you don't love her, she doesn't love you---."

"You have no idea what I truly feel."

She faced him. "Okay, fine. Tell me, do you love Anette?"

He avoided her gaze. "Don't mind my own life!" He said firmly again. "You're just here to explain it to my grandma so stop intruding my life."

She raised her eyebrow on him. She still wanted to say something but she doesn't want anything to happen to him. He doesn't want him to have a heart attack because of her. She was contented on walking with him even thought they were both quiet.

They reach the rows of mango trees at the back of the mansion. If she can just manipulate the time for her to stop when he started being sick, she would stop it. But that's just impossible to happen. She looked up to the sky and prayed.


Her eyes lit up when she saw the fruits of the mango tree.

"Do you get what I mean, Florence? If you think that I'll allow you again to mess up my life…" She heard him say.

The mango looks so ripe and sweet. Can I let Donn get some for me?

"Forget it. You've already caused me enough trouble."

She turned at him. He's not just handsome. He's also like a psychic. How did he know what she's thinking?

"But Donn, just one fruit---."


She didn't force him anymore. She was just contented on watching the golden fruit of the mango tree.

"You look great, by the way." He said.

All the image of the mango faded away and just stares at him fully.

"It's good that Ynem chose the right dress for you."


"My sister. She's at New York now, with her family. She bougt that dress and the other ones for Anette. She knew that I will bring my girlfriend here one of these days. The thing is, it didn't happen."

It's Anette again! If she didn't knew that she'll look pathetic in front of him, she tore the dress she's wearing, even if she'll walk naked going back to the mansion.

"I changed my mind again." She said upset. "I want to go back now in Manila. I will just change this with my own clothes."

When she turned around she calls her again.

But he didn't say what he was about to say when she turned to him irritably. "What?"

"Nothing. Just hurry up."

She marched back into the mansion. She wanted to kick him when she saw him fallowing her. She's frustrated because of the way he treated her. Even she's being a nuisance to him, she still have good intentions. He wanted him to wake up from being a fool for Anette.

And his crankiness was not enough to make her stop on her mission. The fight will still go on.

She's in front of the door when she turned and faces him. "Donn Saavedra, you need me in your life," she declared. "Because I'm the only one who can make you happy, whether you like it or not. I'm here now so deal with it."

"What are you talking about?"

She went close to him and held both his cheek with her hands. "Read my lips. I will mind your business until you finally come into your senses. Intiendes?"

"No. but I have a better idea with those lips of yours." And before she could react, he was already holding the back of her head and her lips were already on his.

She tasted a lot of foods and she didn't know that only in his lips, she could taste the most sweetest and yummiest of all. His lips were the most delectable treat she had ever tasted, she could get used to kissing him!

She heard someone clear a throat and when she opened her eyes, she saw him staring at her. She didn't even notice that the kisses were already done.

"Someone's coming." He said and turned to see the coming vehicle.

She didn't know if she's going to laugh or to be shy on what just happened. Is he not going to say anything about the kiss between them? But did that kiss even happened or she was just fantasizing?

She just smiled weakly when they approached the visitors. Maybe it would be better to say that the kiss was just her hallucination. He would never take notice of her. Not in a millions years. And she's just there to make him forget about the marriage with Anette, not to fantasize him.

But why is it painful to accept that reality for her? She touched her lips. The kissed, why does it felt so real?

"Donn, honey, I'm so happy to see you!"

Her eyes gone wide when she saw the woman kissed Donn in the lips. In front of her. If she didn't stopped herself, she might have hit the witch on the curb. It's a good thing that the other girl and the two guys who were with the witch greeted her with a smile.

"Hello there. I'm Asti. These are my cousins, Sapphire and Dicken." He introduced.

She shook their hands while her eyes were still on Donn.

"Hey, cousin," Sapphire greeted Donn. "Stop that smooching with Shirley. Your girlfriend is already getting jealous. Have some manners."

Then finally they were apart.

Dicken tapped Donn's shoulder. "Bro, you have an amazing welcome with Shirley. Can I also do that with Anette using your style?"

His sunny personality suddenly faded and turned into a cannibal. She looked at Dicken like he's gonna kill someone.

"Shut up, Dicken." Asti stopped him. "We're here to greet our cousin, so don't show your flirtatious side first, okay?"

"I didn't do anything." Dicken turned to her. "Right Anette?"

"I'm not Anette."

All of them paused, even with the girl who still clinging on Donn.

"Donn, honey, you don't have to bring a maid here, you know. Your grandmother has enough of maids already."

Her ears gone wild on what she heard. "Hey! You wrench of a---." She stares at her boobs. "You faked woman, maybe you didn't know whom you are talking to."

"Florence, stop it," Donn tried to stop her.

She even got more upset because he's taking her side.

"I'm Donn's real fiancée, Florence Cortez." She said frustrated and let the girl's hand out of Donn's arm. He felt Donn's hand held tight on her waist.

"Asti, go and wait for us in the living room. I and my fiancée have something to discuss first."

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