Chapter 4: The Last Debate

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After we had rested and my arm had healed enough, we discussed what would happen now. Éowyn, Faramir and Merry were still chilling in the Houses of Healing.
I was at the debate too. One thing was different. Théoden was there too. So were Éomer and the Three Hunters.
The king had earlier thank me for saving his life, he had noticed I was doing that.

"Frodo has passed beyond my sight," Gandalf said, while walking back and forth through the room. "The darkness is deepening." I sat backwards in a chair and listened to their conversation. My arm still hurt, but at least I could move it.

"If Sauron had the Ring we would know it," Aragorn said, while standing at the other edge of the room.
"That's only a matter of time," Gandalf replied.
"Frodo and Sam are still alive," I said. "It's not something I can feel, but it's something I know. Everything went according to plan."
"What plan?" Aragorn asked.
"My plan. I saved everyone I could, and that didn't influence Frodo and Sam. So they should now be very close to Mount Doom."

"But behind the walls of Mordor our enemy is regrouping," Gandalf continued.
"Let him stay there, let him rot!" Gimli said, while smoking a pipe. "Why should we care?"
"Because ten thousand Orcs now stand between Frodo and Mount Doom."
Gimli fell silent.

"Exactly," I said. "And we need to do something about it."
Gandalf shook his head.
"I've send him to his death," he whispered.
"No," Aragorn said, while walking to the Wizard. "There is still hope for Frodo. He needs time. And safe passage across the plains of Gorgoroth. We can give him that."
"How?" Gimli asked.
"Draw out Sauron's armies. Empty his lands. Than we gather our full strength and march on the Black Gate."
Gimli started coughing.

The Black Gate was the entrance into Mordor, but Frodo and Sam had taken another way. A more secret way. But they were now already there.

"We cannot achieve victory through strength of arms," Éomer said.
"Not for ourselves, but we can give Frodo his chance if we keep Sauron's eye fixed upon us."
"Then Frodo will have enough time to destroy the Ring," I said.
"A diversion," Legolas said.
"Certainty of death, small chance of success, what are we waiting for?" Gimli said sarcastically.
"Sauron will suspect a trap," king Théoden said, who had been silent, and now started walking across the room. "He will not take the bait."
"No, I think he will," Aragorn answered.


I had again gotten a very own room, but while the rest went to theirs, I secretly followed Aragorn to the place where the Palantír of Denethor was kept. I wondered what happend to the Palantír of Saruman, in Rohan.
I knew what Aragorn would do, but I always found it so sad that the Evenstar fell and broke. So I would save it.

The Ranger walked into the room, and I stood by the door. He had not noticed me.
Carefully, he removed the cloth, and grabbed the Palantír. I heard Sauron speaking, but I didn't feel anything.
"Long have you hunted me," he said to Sauron, through the ball. "Long have I eluded you. No more."
He showed Sauron his sword.
"Behold! The sword of Elendil!"
I could still hear the voices in the ball, but now was my chance.

"Aragorn!" I whisper-screamed. "Lay it back!"
But Aragorn could not turn away.
I ran. Aragorn let go of the ball, and the Evenstar let go of his neck. The Evenstar was the necklace he had gotten from Arwen. It must have been an incredible gift, so I don't think he would want to lose it.
I ducked, and caught the necklace.
The Palantír fell on the ground, but surprisingly, it didn't break.

Aragorn woke up again, and looked confused why I was here. I stood up and gave him the necklace back.
"It would have been broken," I said. He smiled and gave a thankful nod.
Then I grabbed the ball from the ground.
"Quick, put it back!" he said.
"It has no effect on me," I said nonchalant, while looking at it. Then I layed it back, and put the cloth back over it.

Then we went back to our chambers, and on our way we didn't say anything. I guess we were both in deep thoughts. Two days later we would go to the Black Gate and fight. We had to prepare. I had no one to save now, at least, I hoped so.

Short chapter, but it's not really important something. Next chapter will be though, so be prepared!

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