Chapter 8- Drugs Are Fun! (And Make Me Emotionally Unstable)

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I am literally begging you to vote! I really want a ton of votes on this chapter! Its not that had and I know that no one really reads this part, bit if you do, be a dear and vote why don't you?!


Who knows maybe in the time it takes you to vote, you arrive at your next destination one second later, thereby running in to David Boudia (a diver) and you become roaring friends, then he introduces you to TOM DALEY (if you don't know who this is take the closest sharp object near you and shove it into your chest cavity) then you date and he propses to you with Shamoo the whale jumping up behind you in a beautiful Kodak moment. So voting is really in your best interests. Who knows what amazing things could happen if you comment.....

Yeah, so you should vote.

:::::::::::Easton's POV:::::::::

For a girl I had only known for like two weeks, I sure ended up at her house a lot.

I don't know why I was drawn to her. She is exactly the kind of fierce bitchy insult-fest type person that I try to stay away from. And I don't 'stay away' from a lot of girls, if you know what I mean.

Which you do because you are reading Wattpad, duh.

So anyway, I seem to have more encounters with her than an fat kid and chocolate cake. Luckily, she seems to have the same weird fetish about me.

But not in that 'way'. The girl is rodeo clown crazy, totally un-dateable. I swear she is a loud mouthed, hilarious, human rights activist on crack cocaine. Though, admittedly, I am I guess, 'dating her'.

So far we both kind of suck at it. My problem is that I can't talk to the female population without making a sexual joke. And her problem is basically being the most bi-polar non bi-polar person on the planet. Ever. And that she doesn't know how to 'act sexy' except that she is pretty much that every time she shuts her fully lipped ungodly mouth.

I wish she was mute, or spoke Yiddish or something. The girl so amazingly pretty, why, WHY couldn't she had just been stupid and easy?

Because then she wouldn't be interesting.

It's what pulls me back to her every god damn time.

To hell with thinking, I'm lending myself over to instinct!

Hell, I've never really thought anyway so it's nothing new.

I walked to her door and knocked. As per usual, it was answered immediately by Gavin. Maybe it was his job to man the door or something.

"Hey Easton!" He said cheerfully, like I played some hugely important role in his life.

"Heeey" I have a loss of what to say, I cleared my throat, "Uhm... have to drop this off to.... Uh.. Thalia," I remembered to use her actual name.

"Do ya want me to take it up for you," he held out his hand for the envelope I was holding, I jerked my hand a little bit away.

"No, nope. I got it," I stuttered a little bit. I mean what if the kid lost it? I had to deliver it myself so it got there safely.

Yeah, I read Romeo and Juliet. I was not about to let Gavin be the Friar John to my Friar Lawrence. Wait, that would mean Blaze was Romeo.

Perhaps a different metaphor.

I walked up the stairs and found Blaze's door again. This time is not only read "THALIA" but it also had another sign taped just underneath it with "QUARANTINE" written in big capital letters in child's handwriting. Blaze's vocabulary must be affecting the other's, only in this house would a six year old know what quarantine was and how to spell it.

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