Chapter 6- The Sticky Lollipop Domino Effect

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This chapter be cray!


Chapter 6- The Sticky Lollipop Domino Effect

:::::::Easton's POV::::::

::::::Friday- 10:32 pm:::::::

I collapsed, panting, on the back seat of the bus. Blaze threw herself next to me, being careful not to pass directly by any of the windows in fear of being seen. Her dress had been ripped up to expose nearly all of her thigh. Her face had a huge smear of dirt from earlier and she was breathing heavily. The one shoe I had left was splattered with mud and there was lipstick on my shirt.

"Worst....first.....fake date......ever," she panted on each word, staring at the ceiling of the bus with an expression of pure horror. I reached up to run my fingers through my hair, only to find that the lollipop from earlier was still there.

"I...know.....," I gasped, lying down next to her and massaging the bruise on my forehead. She inspected a matching one on her cheeck with an hostile curiosity. Her hair was tangled into a hot mess from our misadventure.

We both laid there for a good solid minute, contemplating all that went wrong in the past few hours. The scenarios that had to line up to make this kind of horror exist was quite an immense feat.

"So wanna do it again next Friday," she asked.

"Yep" I popped the 'p', answering with no hesitation.

::::::::::::3 hours and 31 minutes Ago::::::::::

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I pulled a random dress shirt out of my closet and a pair of dark wash jeans. Blaze essentially told me what to wear, because I didn't care enough to think about it too much.

I pulled on the pants and towel dried my hair so it stuck up in the front. I buttoned up my shirt and check my watch. It was 7:01 already and I lived about sevenish minutes away from her foster home. I was really not in the mood to feel the wrath of Blaze.

I rushed out if my room and grabbed my lanyard with all of my kets on it from the mantel. I was suddenly attached by a flurry of white. My dog, Paintbrush, had jumped on me while I was picking up my keys.

"Down girl," I pushed her down but scratched her behind the ears. She pawed at my jeans and whimpered, wanting to play.

"Not now, Paint, I have a fake date," I moved around her to the door to the garage. I didn't bother telling my parents, they didn't care anyway. If they really wanted to know, Paintbrush could learn English and tell them.

I pulled my car out of the garage and sped down the road, getting in my last bout of freedom before Señorita Buzz-Kill made me abide by the traffic laws. I pulled out my phone, which had her address from when I went there last week, to make sure I had the directions right. I followed them a little faster than necessary. Blaze angry really did kind of scare me. I'm not really sure how that much malice and hostility can be bottled up in that tiny pixie body of hers.

I pulled up to her house only nine minutes late. I hoped she had gotten stuck at work or something so she wouldn't be ready yet or at least not mad at me.

It was really funny to work with her, I didn't see her much, but when I did I made it a point to draw attention to her in some way. She usually shrunk in the back with the barcode scanners, but occasionally she would laugh quietly when she though no one was watching. I really think that she should go out front and sing or something, her voice could definitely attract some customers. Hell, she could quit Abercrombie and sing on the streets and she would probably earn more money.

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