
206 8 39

Please read the A/N at the end


After placing the two boxes of frozen pizza in the basket, I started walking towards the cashier. I held the basket tightly in my hands when my eyes landed on packets of sour bites on the rack near the counter.

You don't need it, you don't need it, you don't need it....

I closed my eyes and let out a sigh.

But I want it.

I grabbed a packet aggressively and placed it in the basket, angry at my lack of control.

It's been 3 days since Kayden fingered the soul out of my body in the storage room. I didn't see him again.

That night when I returned to the bar, Ron gave me a knowing look as he sipped his drink and I tried to act dumb. He told me they were leaving as Candice was too drunk.

I decided not to change my clothes after my shift. I sat in the passenger seat of Kayden's car, both of us aware of me not wearing anything beneath my skirt.

God I was down bad. Doing everything I could so he fucked me. The work he did with his fingers only fueled my want for his dick.

I noticed when Kayden clenched his jaw and began driving when he saw my skirt move up, when I crossed my legs for some relief.

I waited for him to make a move, to park the car back in the parking lot of the club or pull over in a secluded place. But he didn't. He didn't look at me the entire ride. And I started feeling embarrassed.

He obviously knew what I was doing by not changing in my regular sweatshirt and jeans because I've never exited the club in that outfit.

Sitting beside him in my short skirt without wearing anything under it. We both knew our little session wasn't enough.

But then I started to feel like he didn't want to do anything and I was behaving like a horny idiot.

So when we reached my apartment building, I mumbled a small thank you and nearly threw myself out of the car. I felt my cheeks burn as I made my way to my apartment.

I started placing the contents from the basket on the counter and paid when he was done scanning them.

When I placed my tote bag on my shoulder and stepped out of the store, I heard a honk.

I looked to my left and saw Kayden rolling down the tinted window of his car, looking at me through the dark sunglasses.

I turned to face him completely, surprised by seeing him. I felt my cheeks burn when I remembered the events of last time I saw him flash inside my head.

He tipped his chin towards him, asking me to walk to him. I furrowed my brows and made my way to his car.

"Get in." He commanded like I'm his dog.

"Ask nicely and maybe I will." I replied, not liking the way he's talking to me.

"Just get the fuck in already. I was headed to your apartment for you anyways. Good thing I found you. Now I don't have to fucking wait for you outside your apartment building like an idiot which I would have to do if I didn't." Ge said annoyingly.

Rolling my eyes at him, I started walking ahead, not asking him why he was coming to my house.

"Lyn get in the car." I turned my head in the direction of his voice and saw him reversing his car beside me. I kept walking ahead.

"Get in the fucking car Lyn." He said angrily.

"You go ahead and wait for me. I'll be there in ten minutes." I said without looking at him, emphasizing on the word 'wait' which he so many times have mentioned he doesn't like to.

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