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I ran through the forest. Somewhere in there, that's what she had said. "LARISSA?!" I cried. I stopped when I saw a weird looking tree. There was a marker on it. I followed them until I saw a small run down house. I went inside looking around. "Larissa?!" I screamed. I looked everywhere until I got to what used to be a living room. Larissa was lying on the ground, covered in blood, barely moving. "NO!" I ran towards her. I called 911 and they came as quick as they could. "Let me get in there with her!" I begged. The driver shook her head. "Please!" I didn't stop begging until he finally let me in. I held her hand the whole way. She stirred a bit but never really woke up. I don't remember how long she was out for. It was at least a week. Every time I fell asleep I had nightmares where she died. I didn't dare leave her bedside. "Y/N..." I heard a weak voice. I woke straight up. I pinched my hand to make sure it was real. It was. "Larissa..?" I asked. She opened her eyes for the first time in a while. "You found me," she smiled weakly. I smiled back. "Thank god you're ok," I said. I kissed her cheek and held her hand tighter. She put her hand on my cheek and smiled. I sat back down in the chair and smiled at her. Her smile faded though and the heart monitor began to beep very quickly. Doctors and nurses rushed in and I was pushed out of the room. I closed my eyes and counted to ten to calm myself. I only got to six when I heard the monitor flatline...

Sorry it's such a short chapter. I'm trying to work on the other stories too😅

Strange GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon