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I walked into Larissa's office the next morning to find out what her choice was. "Good morning-" she looked at me confused. "You must be new. Or a student who I've never met?" She asked. I held my breath. "You've never met me..." I whispered. "Are you ok? You seem like you about to cry," she asked. "Someone who I love, took a memory potion to forget me..." I muttered. "Over a stupid fight!" I cried. "Oh..." she told me. "Well I'm very sorry about that. I'm-" she started. "Give me a second," I said. I stepped out of the classroom. Marylin saw me about to drink the vial. "Y/N? What happened?" She asked. "She drank it," I told her. She silently mouthed 'Oh'. "I have to," I told her. "Are you sure?" She asked. I nodded. "It wouldn't be fair," I took a small sip and passed out for a few moments. "Y/N. Wake up," Marilyn stood in front of me. "What happened?" I asked. "You passed out. Larissa wants to see you," she said. "Who?" I had never heard the name before. "Headmistress..." she sighed. I nodded and walked in. "So. Have you chosen and extracurricular activity yet?" The headmistress asked. I shook my head. "Here is a list," she said handing me a paper. "Ok thank you," I smiled at her and she smiled back. Her smile was beautiful. I got a sense of deja vu but shrugged it off as my imagination. I chose piano. I walked into the room but no one was there. "I guess I'm the only one," I muttered. In the middle was a bronze grand piano with pure white ivory keys. "Wow..." I whispered. I closed my eyes and began to play. I didn't stock to one particular song, I ran through a bunch. I felt eyes watching me but I didn't hear anyone come in. After about an hour I stopped and just sat there. I closed my eyes. I remembered when I played piano while mother talked about how I was never good enough. I heard the piano playing a song. I opened my eyes and looked to see the Headmistress playing next to me. "Where is everyone else?" I asked. "No one seems to like piano. That or they don't like that the headmistress runs it," she laughed but there was a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Im Y/N by the way. Y/N Jones," I held out my hand to her. She smiled and shook it. "Larissa Weems," she told me. Suddenly I saw clips of her. Her smiling at me. But I'd never seen her before. Her arguing with me. Her even kissing me on the cheek. And her crying. It was weird. Especially cause it all seemed so familiar. I backed away from her and she took a step back as well. She must've seen the same thing. I got a bad headache and left the room. "Y/N!" She called after me. She grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. "What was that?!" She's asked me. "I-I don't know," I responded. We stared at each other in silence. "Past memories..." she muttered. "There are two things that could've happened. 1- something happened that cussed us to either forget or we drank memory potions. 2- A past life," she told me. I thought about it but I couldn't remember. "Wait- my knife. Where's my knife?" I felt my pockets but couldn't find it. Weems looked at me shocked. "Is this your knife?" She asked pulling it from her pocket. "Yes! How'd you get it?!" I asked with anger. "I-I don't know. But I probably took it away for a good reason," she put it back in her pocket. Marylin walked towards us. I remembered the visions I had about Marilyn and the nightshade. Then I remembered drinking a vial. "This doesn't make sense!" I screamed. "You had past memories. Thank god," Marilyn smiled at us. "What do you know?" Weems asked. "I know I might get my hand chopped for this, but would you like to be friends?" She said. We both looked at her confused. "Say that to her," she told Weems. "I know I might get my hand chopped off for this but would you like to be friends?" She asked awkwardly. "Say it as if this is your first time meeting her. "I know I might get my hand chopped off for this but would you like to be friends?" Weems smiled at me and held out her hand. I stumbled backwards and remembered everything. I looked up at her. "Larissa!" I hugged her and smiled. Thornhill took this as a sign to leave. "Y/N what happened?" She asked. "Don't you remember?" I asked. "No. I-I can't..." she told me. I remembered that Marylin had us say something from when we first met. "Are you always so cheery and happy? Doesn't it get old?" I asked. Her eyes widened and she smiled at me. She put her hand on my cheek. "I'm sorry," she told me. "I shouldn't have taken my jealousy and anger out on you," she said. I didn't care about what had happened. I was just glad we had remembered everything. "Promise me something?" I asked. She hummed in response. "Don't die before the end of the semester ok?" I joked. Since we'd had so many brushes with death she smiled at me. "I promise," she whispered.

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