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I kissed her again. "I missed you so much," I told Larissa. "I miss you too," she smiled sadly at me. I think she meant 'missed' but oh well. "Now that you're here though," I said excitedly. "Oh darling, I'm not," she whispered. "Where are you then?" I asked laughing. "That's a secret," she told me. My smile faded. "I'm dreaming. This isn't real is it?" I asked. She shook her head. "Then I don't ever wanna wake up again," I cried hugging her. "You're about to," she said. I opened my eyes and I was in my bed. It was all a dream. I ran to her office. Maybe what had happened had passed over. I knocked on her door. I heard a muffled "Give me a minute,". "This needs to be dealt with now-" I opened the door and Larissa was kissing the mayor. My eyes filled with tears and they both turned towards me. "Now what, Y/N, is so important, that you have to walk in. When I even said 'Give me a minute'," she was very annoyed with me. I got angry. Very angry. In fact I hadn't even realized what had happened until I saw the mayor below me with a bloody nose and a black eye. Larissa was behind me, restraining me from getting closer. "DON'T EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN!" I screamed. The mayor ran out of the room leaving me and Larissa alone. "He can't do that! Just because he has power doesn't mean he can touch you without consent," I shouted. "I kissed him. Not the other way around," she told me. My whole world shattered at that moment. Tears streamed down my face. "Ok. I-I understand," I said. "Don't you dare cry. You are not the victim. I cannot deal with that right now! I have to apologize to Mayor Walker," She said. I smiled at her through my tears. "I'm not crying," I said. I laughed a bit and looked down to hide my tears. She looked confused, scared almost. "You really hate me that much Hmm? Too bad I guess," I smiled and left her room. I ran towards Marylin's dorm and knocked on the door. As soon as she opened it I ran into her arms. She shut the door and locked it before sitting on the ground. "Hey, don't cry, what's wrong?" She asked. I didn't respond and just continued to cry. I hugged her tightly, not willing to let go. "Shhh, it's ok," she stroked my hair and I slowly stopped crying. "Do you want me to leave?" I asked with tears. "No, no, it's ok. Stay as long as you'd like. I'll be right back," she said. When she came back, she had a blanket and hot cocoa. Maybe she wasn't so bad after all. Maybe my visions were lying to me. "Do you wanna tell me what happened," she asked. I shook my head. She nodded and we sat against the wall with a blanket and two cups of hot cocoa. "She kissed Mayor Walker," was all I said. Marylin looked at me quickly. "Larissa?" She asked. I nodded. "But- I thought- She loves-" She kept trying to find the right words to say. "Apparently not. Face it Marylin. It was a lie," I sighed. "I'm sorry," she held me close to her. There was a knock on the door and she got up to open it. "Larissa! What a nice surprise," Marylin was warning me so I stayed quiet. "Is Y/N in here?" She asked. "Why?" "I need to speak with her," she said. Marylin let her in and left the room for us to speak. "What do you want?" I asked. "Look, I don't know what has gotten into you. But here are three things. One- don't ever come into my office unless I give you consent. Two- don't ever beat up anyone. Three- I don't hate you so to say. I just don't- well, let's just say you're not my favorite student," she said. Her voice was cold and iced over. "Who are you?" I asked. She looked at me puzzled. "You're not Larissa. Where is she and who are you?" I asked again. "You're a smart girl Y/N. But I am Larissa," she said. "Prove it!" I shouted. "Fine. Good luck," she muttered. She left the room. I fell asleep again. When I awoke Larissa was in front of me. Her smile was brighter than it had ever been. "Y/N!" She hugged me closely. "You're back- you're really back!" I hugged her. She shook her head. "I'm not. I just had to see you," she said. "If your not here how-" "Dream magic. I can see you, and you can see me," she smiled. I hugged her again. "Please tell me where you are!" I begged. "I can't. But just know, the person who isn't me, knows," she responded. "I will find you," I assured her. She smiled. "Don't get yourself hurt or killed. I couldn't bear to be without you," she whispered in my ear. "Me neither," I told her. I hugged her before I woke up, hugging Marylin instead. She was asleep as well, so I headed to Larissa's office leaving a thank you note for Marylin. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!" I screamed opening the door to her office. She looked at me, startled. "Y/N are you really doing this again?" She asked. "Who are you?!" I screamed. I grabbed her by her throat and lifted her into the air. "Y/N- please- let me-" she gasped. I dropped her. "Y/N. What's gotten into you?" She asked, regaining her breath. "I. Want. Her. Back!" I shouted. "Y/N. I am Larissa. Maybe you hit your head and you have some weird perception of the world that we dated but I am not aloud to date a student. And I do not love you," she explained. "You-you don't? No- no we kissed! And why didn't you show up for piano?" I asked. "The piano class shut down three years ago after no one was interested," she was angry with me now. Maybe she was right. Was everything a dream? Did I hit my head. Marylin seemed nicer. Larissa seemed more like a principal. "Oh my god," I started to shake. "Oh my god...," I cried. I couldn't stop shaking and I started hyperventilating. I fell to the ground, my tears falling onto my hands. "Y/N?" She knelt down next to me. "Y/N. None of it was a dream. That's what she wants you to believe. You have to trust me," Larissa put both of her hands in my face. I woke up. I had passed out in her office apparently. "Finally. Now please leave," the fake Larissa shooed me away. "Here," I said. I handed her a small vial that the dream Larissa had given to me. "It's supposed to make you lucky. Because you are my good luck charm," I winked at her. She did not seem amused but took it anyways. "Are you the real Larissa?" I asked. "No," she responded automatically. She cupped her hands over her mouth. "Where is she?" I asked. "Probably dead by now," she responded. I stared at her with wide eyes. "Where is the real Larissa?" I asked. "Probably dead by now," she said again. She was telling the truth...

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