Chapter 22~ The big day

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I walked around the store searching for a dress and Atlas followed behind. Since he will die in the wedding day or earlier I might as well just chose an ugly dress. I went for the first dress my eye landed on. It was white and filled with white crystals on the corset part, the bottom part opened little by little like a blooming flower with layers and layers of white transparent sparkly wedding cloth. It wasn't that bad.
I tried it on and it fit me perfectly so Atlas bought it.
"You know it's bad luck to see the bride's dress before the wedding right?"
"Fuck you!" He hissed and I just laughed it off.
When we got back to the mansion I sat on the couch of the entrance holding the plastic bag they gave us with the wedding dress.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!!" I heard Atlas scream from above. I ran up the stairs and followed his voice. I found him In his dad's office staring at... Brontwarn's corpse!!! Oh Kai must have killed him. Shit. Now he will probably use me as ransom. I don't think Kai thought of that.
I put all my thoughts behind me and went over to Atlas. "Atlas... Are you okay?" I asked sitting next to him. "Of course I'm not fucking okay!" He cried. "Who did this!!" He asked with pain and rage in his voice. He slammed his small fist against the table next to him.
"Where is that thug Kai that worked for my father?!"
"I don't know? Umm."
"Get the fuck out of here!!" He sobbed and his pants absorbed all the blood that was scattered on the floor.
I ran out of the room desperately searching for Kai, but I couldn't find him. I ran to the tool room and grabbed the first hammer I could find so that I could break the anklet.
I set my ankle on a wooden bench and slammed it until it cracked and came right off.
I threw it on the floor and jumped over it just to make sure no one could ever reuse it again.
After making sure it was destroyed I went back to the laundry room and checked if Kai was there, but I saw nothing.
I ran out of the mansion with tears of despair streaming down my cheeks. What if someone had kidnapped him? No... he is strong and I'm sure he will last. My mind was spinning and I did not know what my next move should have been.
What's the point of escaping this place, what about Kai's plan? If I leave I might ruin it. I walked back inside the house hopping no one saw me leave and sat on the dinning chair.
My worry for Kai was growing and I couldn't wait to see his beautiful face again, to spend time with him, to hug him and cuddle.
I sat for hours on the same chair, I didn't bother in drinking water or eating something. Atlas was nowhere to be seen and the house was completely empty. I could hear my own heart beating.
I watched the sun set through the big glass windows next to the dinning table. Light passed through the crystal chandelier on top of the table and became small rainbow fractures. It was beautiful.
Hours passed and it was already night again. I was only a few hours away from getting engaged. Kai had still not come back and I was still alone in the dinning table. "Atlas!!" I yelled, but the only reply I got was my voice echoing through the cold hallways.
I stood up and checked my watch for the time that was still miraculously on my wrist. It read one fifteen am. I had been sitting on the chair for 5 hours.
I couldn't care less about that though, as a matter a fact I felt like all the emotions I had drained right out of me. The only ones that stayed where anger and a painful sadness. I missed feeling joy. Since my mother died I grew up lacking it. I missed hearing her laugh, the way she would hold me in her arms and love me even though I failed to be a good daughter to her.
I regret so much...
My life is just a big regret.

Once I ran out of tears to cry I slow walked back to the room that I was staying in before I got kidnapped. All my things where still there even my phone, my old broken Nokia. The corner of my lips tilted slightly up as I turned it on with relief. I scrolled through all of my contacts and stopped when I reached Kai's.
I hit the call button, but it went straight to voicemail. After that didn't work I texted him.

Mariana: Hey!
Kai: Hi!
Mariana: Why haven't you answered me where the hell are you?!
Kai: I am sorry I couldn't reach you... I can't be there, but no matter what happens don't leave the mansion.
Mariana: What? Why?!
Kai: It's dangerous!! Now please fucking listen!
Mariana: Ok, I won't leave, but you better be here after the wedding.

I shut my phone and put it in my pocket. I won't call the cops and I will just let Kai do his thing. If I take any action other than wait I could mess everything up. And if I call the cops they will arrest Kai. I walked around the room looking at all the beautiful furniture. My skateboard was still there. I opened my luggage and saw all of my old clothes. I did not have much though, I was only able to bring the minimum.
I ran my fingers through the marble and gold furniture. It was something I never imagined I would touch. My life is so unpredictable... I never thought it would turn out like this. My mind ran back to when I was only a small kid. When life was sunshine and rainbows. The time when school was easy, problems were small and everything was joyful and simple. My family wasn't broken and I was innocent. Guilt free. I grabbed my favourite family picture from my bag and just sat on my knees as I stared at the big smiles plastered on our faces.
I caused all that to go away, and little by little that guilt was tearing me apart. Piece by piece.
"Mommy!!" I yelled from upstairs. "Going darling just let mommy finish doing something." She yelled back. A few minutes later she came up the stairs searching for me.
"I made this bracelet for you!!" I handed her a rubber band bracelet and she was so happy. "Thank you sweetheart!! I absolutely love it, it's now my favourite. I will wear it everyday!" She placed the bracelet on her wrist and picked me up into her arms.
"I have something for you too you know?" She grabbed a little black velvet box and handed it to me. "Open it!" She said with the widest grin. When I did I saw a soldier tag with my favourite anime character and an engraving the read 'Your a fighter, so never give up' I put it on my neck and hugged her tighter than I ever did. "I love you, never, ever forget that." She said placing a finger on my heart.

After that day I never took the necklace off until the guards at the boarding school made me. That necklace is my most prized possession and if something ever happens to it I will be miserable. More than I already am is nearly impossible, but I'm pretty sure I still can. I sobbed on the floor as I stared at the picture. Scenes of the car accident played over and over again. My mothers blood scattered everywhere.
I killed my own mother.
I don't even deserve to be alive. RINGG!! My phone rang and snapped me back into reality. "Kai?" I could barely speak anymore.
"Mariana, what time is the wedding tomorrow?"
"Two thirty pm!"
"Okay thanks that's all I needed to know!" He hung up the phone and I just laid down on the soft white bed and tried to close my eyes. I couldn't keep them closed nor could I stop moving. There was a heavy storm and a lot of lightning for the whole night. The only thing that made the room light up was the lighting outside. The windows where as big as the other walls of the room and I couldn't help, but feel lost. Like I was drowning and struggling to reach the surface.

I woke up with birds chirping and rays of sun beaming right through the windows. I stretched my arms and yawned before walking to the marble bathroom. I prepared a bubble bath and a bottle of white wine. I let my hair down and sat inside. The place was so unimaginably quiet. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths trying to meditate and forget the world around me as I took sips of the glass of whine I was holding.
As soon as I stepped out of the bath tub I heard someone coming. Water was dripping off my body and I was freezing cold. I couldn't find a towel and before I could hide anywhere I heard Atlas's putrid voice fill my ears.
"Hey-" Atlas walked in. I instantly covered my body with my arms as much as I could, but there was no use. Atlas just continued staring at me. His eyes trailed from my forehead to my chest and down until my feet.
"Why would you hide such a beauty Mariana?"
He questioned pacing towards me. With every step he took I moved one backwards, until I hit the wall and his face was inches away from mine. "Go away from me." I whispered.
"I think I will Pass."
He grabbed my wrists and put them together. He then sniffed my face and ran his tongue from my neck to my shoulder and stopped, before he brought his lips back up to mine and kissed me. He slowly opened his mouth and I bit his tongue when he did. The metallic taste of his blood filled my mouth as I struggled to push him away. He pulled away still holding me in place and restricting my movements. He touched his tongue and looked at the blood on his finger. His expression turned into a frown and he shook his head with disappointment.
"I could do this now, but... I want to save the best for later." He chuckled and left the bathroom leaving me standing there, alone and cold.
Once I felt like I could move again I walked out of the bathroom and fetched a white towel that was on my desk then wrapped it around my body. Steam came out of the bathroom when I opened the door. The sun was fully up and it was officially the big day. I had one hours to be ready for the wedding, it was already one thirty pm. I grabbed my wedding dress and tried it on in the mirror. I ran my hands through my waist and down to my hips as I looked at myself in the mirror.

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