Chapter 7~ Club night

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How did you know I liked vodka? " I know everything," he said in a joking tone, even though there was some hidden truth in what he said. Why on earth does he have a sudden interest in me?

Kaos POV
Gosh, I couldn't stay away from her, I failed again! What is wrong with me?! I thought.
I ran my fingers along my hair in frustration and turned away from her realizing what I had just done.
I can't hurt her, I can't, I won't let myself hurt her because if I do it will hurt me too. Why do I see her in such a special way? I took a glance at her, she was drinking her vodka and seemed to be daydreaming. Should I open up to her? Just tonight? I questioned myself constantly on how to act around her. I need a break for a while and I will apologize some other day.
I think it's best if I go, Mariana, I'm sorry I cannot stay. She rapidly turned her head in my direction making a confused expression on her face. "What? Why?" She asked angrily I stood up and left without even saying goodbye. It was a bad idea to try and be with her. I mean what was I thinking? I initially came here to apologize but I ended up ruining things again like I always do. I burst out of the club doors. I increased the pace of my steps as I walked down the dark streets. I needed time to think. I saw a bench not far from the club so I sat down on it to clear my thoughts. My mind was cluttered, full of shit I needed to handle that I honestly did not want to. I closed my eyes and tried to forget I was alive. I wanted to just give up at that moment.

Mariana's POV
I felt lonely after he just ditched me out of thin air. I mean who the fuck did he think he was? He probably just did that to use me. Obviously, what was I thinking?
As I sat on the wooden stool I felt a very dense big hand touch my shoulder. I slightly turned my head and I noticed a tall man that had aqua blue eyes, messy light brown hair, and a muscular build standing behind me.
"So what is a pretty girl like you doing alone in a club at this hour," the man said in a manly voice
I don't want anything with you! Take your hand off me! I yelled. It didn't seem to have any effect on him because he just held his hand on my shoulder and didn't let go, his grip was firm. "Hmmm we have got one little feisty girl here don't we?" He said to himself in an almost mocking tone. GET THE HELL OFF ME WEIRDO!!! I shouted, but no one seemed to hear me or even care due to the loud music and blinding lights. The man then grabbed one of my wrists tightly and dragged me outside. I was struggling to get out of his firm grip but I just couldn't; I was helpless. His grip sent shivers down my spine. I desperately wanted to escape his grip but I just couldn't. He pulled me out of the club leading me into the dark ally next to it and pinned me against the wall. Well, this man's face could be the last thing I ever see. I will probably never see daylight again. All these thoughts flew through my head as he got closer to me. He grabbed both of my arms and pinned them over my head holding them together with one of his hands. The other hand was in my mouth he was trying to silence my screams. He muffled them so that no one would ever know what happened. "Shhh, shhh baby. It's so sad no one will ever know what happened to you." He whispered into my ear with pure evil in his voice. I closed my eyes preparing for the worst to happen when I heard a gunshot. BANG!!! The man's body dropped dead on the ground the sound of the body hitting the ground was familiar, just like the little boy's. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a silhouette standing in the bit of light entering the alley. A man was standing holding a pistol in my direction. I froze. The man walked closer to me and violently grabbed my wrist. He dragged me out of the alley At a fast pace. When I looked at the tattoo on his hand I instantly knew who it was. I didn't even need light to recognize him. Kaos what are you doing here? "Saving your life" he growled. How did you know it was me how did you know that was happening to me? "I saw the man dragging you out soon after I left the club, I was sitting on a bench when I heard your muffled screams." He said. I was stunned at how he had just saved my life. We both walked back to the school at a fast pace. He had a cold expression on his face. He was so unreadable. "You're a magnet for trouble aren't you?" He muttered and continued walking.
We finally reached the school gates and there were a couple of guards guarding the door. Kaos walked to one of the guards and glared at him straight in the eye. His piercing look made the guard open the gates for both of us to walk into the school, "If you tell anyone you saw this you will never see anything again. Understood?" He growled. We walked in slowing down our pace. "Stay out of trouble next time okay?". I nodded and walked toward my dorm. Wait I think I am going to go see if ray and Kayla are still awake. I pulled out my lantern and walked around looking for the right door number. After what felt like centuries I finally found her door. I gently knocked on it. I saw the rusty door knob twist and the door open. " what do you want ?" Ray asked in annoyance. Oh my god! Sorry did I just wake you up? " yes you did, let's talk tomorrow," she said shutting the door to my face. I walked to my dorm with an almost disappointed look on my face. I was so exhausted that I did not even care to take my sparkly black dress off. I just climbed my bed and tossed myself over it, shaking it a little.
"What the hell?" I heard Freya say. She stood up from her bed and climbed up mine. How did she know I was there and still awake? "Hey I sense you need someone to talk to, you can talk to me you know?" She mumbled in a sleepy tone. No, no I'm alright it's fine don't worry!! "I know your lying" she whispered making every hair on my neck stand up. "I know this is weird but... the boy that you won't stop thinking about, yea he is very special! Don't let go of him." She mumbled again and then knocked out cold. She started snoring loudly making me have to sleep on her bed.
That was creepy.
As I lay in the pitch-black darkness I couldn't help but think about what she said. What does she mean? Her words echoed through my head. They replayed over and over as I thought about what they meant.
I rapidly fell asleep with the last words on my mind "Don't let him go, he is special".
Mom, mom!! Look at the duck in the pond!
"Wait darling mommy can't look now. Mommy is driving and needs to focus" please mommy, please!! I squealed. " okay where are they?" She said, taking her eyes off the road. BEEEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!!!
Crash! I woke up at that moment calming myself down, holding my nearly escaping tears, trying to remind myself that that is already in my past and right now it's just a nightmare. I had cold sweat all over my forehead. I took a pill to sleep and tried to fall asleep again.
I woke up to the sound of a loud ring. Freya was already getting ready for school and I was still tossed in bed with my party dress on. I checked the time and realized the class was starting in ten minutes. Shit. I unzipped my dress and grabbed my school uniform it's not obligatory but I wanted to use it today. I did the school uniform hairstyle and grabbed my bag. I rushed through the school corridors that were now filled with students trying to get into the right classrooms. I finally found my classroom and went to sit beside Kaos. When I sat next to him he just looked in another direction. He clenched his fists and stood as tense and still as a rock. He then grabbed his notebook and started drawing on it as our boring science teacher spoke. His eyes were dark and he looked almost angry as he scribbled. Is everything okay Kaos? I asked reaching out to his clenched fist. I don't know why but every time I touch him I feel so much electricity run through my body. Wait I don't even know why I care after what he did.
He pulled his fist away from my hand and growled "don't touch me" he spoke in the coldest tone. I felt a stinging pain in my heart when he said that. I shouldn't have, but I did.
I felt the need to talk with him so I wrote him a note on a small piece of ripped paper from my notebook. Why are you so mad and frustrated at me? Have I done anything?
He glared at me with a hateful look in his eyes.
Would you please just calm down and come get a coffee with me after school?
"Will you stop chasing me and leave me alone if I do that for you?" Yes! I said even though I knew that was probably not true.
"Ok, I will pick you up at your dorm after school at 8 pm sharp. Be ready"
I waited anxiously for science to end so that I could let my friends know about what happened yesterday night.
Class finally ended after a few hours and I raced out the door, running down the stairs to be the first one at the cafeteria. I sat at the table where I always sit waiting for my friends to arrive. When they finally arrived I explained all that happened and they were both shook to the core. "Kaos normally would never, I mean ever even interact with a girl. He freaking kissed you and your reaction to him leaving early was to get pissed? Kayla said with a disappointed tone. "I can't believe Kaos kissed someone!!!! What?" Ray said with some excitement in her voice. Yea, yea whatever girls. I decided not to tell them about the man that harassed me because of anyone found out that I managed to escape the school, people will start to think I am some gateway out of this shit hole, and start to make me do it for them. All classes felt like they went by super fast. I went to my dorm and got ready for our meeting. I put on a red dress that looked more a bit... modern. The dress was short and tight. I wore a cute little hat and grabbed my silver purse. When the click hit 8:00 I heard three gentle knocks on the door. I walked out and Kaos was standing tall and handsome right in front of me. We both slowly walked to the cafe in silence. We got a table and I decided to break the weird silence. Hey umm, I'm sorry for being mean to you on the night of the club. " you haven't done anything... I shouldn't have overreacted like that, it wasn't your fault. I'm sorry, I treated you that way" his now gentle voice said. I brought you an apology gift." He pulled out a small box from his pocket and gave it to me. I pulled the lid out and gasped! How did you know? I said breaking down. I saw it when it happened. There, inside the box was my mom's necklace. The military Tag the guard had taken away. How did you get it I said in between sobs. " I used my fists" he showed his bruised bloody fists. I thanked him and put my necklace back on. "Don't let the guards see it" he said whilst winking at me. Scooting a bit closer to me.

This was a longer chapter hehe. I hope you're enjoying the story so far! Please don't comment on rude things. thanks for reading! Congrats, you were able to withstand the cringe.

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