Chapter 6 - Reveals

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[3rd Person POV]

Void: "How does it feel to be alone YN?"

Aylia: "Don't make him feel lonely"

Void: "Kill us Y/N we can be with her in the afterlife"

You came home from the hospital after the doctor told you May died. You sat on the couch thinking, crying, and just daydreaming. You have found a stash of wine that May wasaybe saving for a special occasion, with you not thinking you served yourself a class of wine. Your 18 years old so your underage, you could care less.

So there infront pf you was the coffee table with a glass of wine and a knife. Void almost got what he wanted: death, you were planning on committing suicide but you should at least go the May's funeral this Monday. You were a bit drunk and tired you didn't sleep at all last night. You went to grab the class of wine but the you heard a knock.

Aylia: "Do you know who it could be?"

You went up and opened the door and found Norman there with a vase filled with roses.

Norman: "I'm sorry for May"

You opened the door a bit more and gestured for Norman to come in. He went to the living room and saw the glass of wine, a almost empty bottle of wine and the knife. He sighed and but the vase in the dining room table.

Norman: "Kid your underage"

Y/N: "I don't feel drunk"

You walked back and sat on the couch Norman grabbed a chair from the dining room and sat across from you.

Norman: "You were plan to do suicide?"

You nodded.

Norman: "You look like shit kid, you don't want to go down that path"

Y/N: "I already have, I feel alone. Mostly it comes from Flash daily beatings, Peter stupid ego and his actions, and then there's this world that feels cruel. It proves me right over and over again"

Norman: "I agree but you don't have to give to this world Y/N"

He grabs the glass and the bottle of wine he empties them in the sink. He then comes back.

Norman: "You have to get back up Y/N not down another hole"

Y/N: "I already been stuck the same hole Norman"

Norman: "Get up Y/N"

Y/N: "What?"

Norman: "You aren't going to spend the rest of your life like this, you have a future ahead of you. Memories that need to be made and remembered"

You get up and head to the bathroom to shower after getting out you get dressed and walk to the kitchen to see Norman had made breakfast.

Y/N: "Why help me? I'm just an intern, a loser and suicidal person"

Norman: "Why not Y/N you have more to live for before dying"

You sat at the table and Norman placed a plate of eggs, ham, cinnamon bun and bacon. You began to eat as Norman sat across from you.

Norman: "So you plan on staying here or move out"

Y/N: "Move out find a new place this place it haunts me, I feel suffering"

Norman: "How about I hire you as a worker at my place that way you can work after school it'll be like the intern"

Y/N: "I can't except that Norman the check was fine b-"

Norman: "I owe you this you will create something greater then what you found before. You have a great mind Y/N, I wosh to help you achieve your greatest potential"

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