Chapter 2 - Weird

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[3rd Person POV]

Another day being the only Spider-Ghost just her all alone in this big city. She saved the city everyday but it didn't feel like accomplishment without someone by her side. She missed Peter's jokes and catchphrases it was gone now. You on the other hand have been having an easier life not being made fun of or getting your ass kicked. You felt a joy overwhelmed you.

Y/N: "I should feel bad you died but yet again I dreamed you died in your sleep. You treated me like shit now look at you Peter down in deep shit"

You decided to visit Peter's gave your laying beside the gave laughing at jokes you made to your dead brother. Ned had decided to go with you, he understood why you acted the way you did. He saw you get picked on by Peter sometimes Peter made him feel like shit too.

Ned: "Anyways you should get going don't you have that intern thing you have to go to"

Y/N: "Yeah in about an hour"

You get up and place today's homework assignment on the grave.

Y/N: "You have a lot of missing work, see your in deep shit with your grades and your expectations as a student"

You then left with Ned you laughed all the way put of the graveyard. Upon exiting the graveyard you and Ned went your separate ways. You grabbed the bus and then got off once you were close to Oscorp Industries. When you entered the building you were met with Osborn waiting for you.

Osborn: "Well if isn't my assistant"

Y/N: "Hi Mr Osb-"

Osborn: "Don't call me that instead call me Norman"

Y/N: "Okay Norman what are we doing today"

Norman: "Will be working on a project that is made to enhance the human abilities"

You follow him into the lab to see a couple of scientists working away you were just taking in the view, you working with freaking No-

Norman: "Why don't you put on a coat and put your backpack down"

You grabbed the coat Norman handed you and you put down your backpack and started to help him. It seems he was trying to get the abilities enhanced by getting DNA from animals such as a lizard.

Y/N: "Sorry to bother but I have a question?"

Norman: "It is no bother to ask a question that's what science was made for"

Y/N: "What is it with all does spiders in the other room"

Norman smiled.

Norman: "Those are radioactive spiders just for study or experimental"

Norman then brought out a hologram and started to type in something onto the keyboard. The projection showed a rat and a lizard it showed something transfer into the rat but then it showed the rat die.

Norman: "I was close"

Just then someone walked in, it was a young lady who to you seemed she was rather young. She walked up to Norman and looked at you then at the projection.

Olivia: "Sorry to bother but I needed to ask you a question regarding the dead spider"

Norman: "If you can excuse me for a second I have something to attend you feel fre to look around"

Norman walked out with Olivia, you looked at the projection and then started to think of what he was trying to do. You looked over some of the notes layed out on the desk you read over them. You realized he wanted to regrow an arm or something on humans so he decided to test this on rats and lizards. But not the real thing just the projection that seemed to be doing everything accurate.

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