Cracking Ghost

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                                    Y/N  POV

There was a knock at my door.

It was probably Ghost. You got out of the shower but you weren't opening the door. You didn't know what to say.
"Hey sorry for freaking out back there it's just that you're making me show emotions again and I don't like that"

That sounded ridiculous.

You got dressed in comfy clothes and sat on your bed.

After an hour of sitting staring at the wall trying to come up with what to say what you see him again. You gave up and decided to read your book.

Another hour passed there was another knock at your door. You put your book down and went up to the door. You could just feel it that Ghost was on the other side.

You couldn't open the door. You were embarrassed by the way you ran away from him.

You put your ear up to the door to try and hear movement. After a few minutes you heard a door open and then Soap talking. Talking to Ghost.

You could barley understand what they were saying. The walls and doors too thick.

After trying to listen to their conversation it grew quiet.

Okay maybe he's gone now. If he's there act cold. No, be cold. You are cold. Now wasn't the time or place to let that stop.

You opened the door.

Ghost was sitting there against his door, outside your room. He looked up at you.

"Have you been waiting there the whole time?" You asked him, looking down at him.

"Yes. Y/N, i'm sorry. I don't know what you're actually mad about. Whether it's the comment I made or me dropping you on the ground or the whole training thing in general but I am sorry."
Ghost was sorry?

The same Ghost that had no interest in introducing himself to you a couple days ago? The one who called you a cunt?

You couldn't stand there and stare at him.

"That's pathetic." You said coldly and walked out of your room into the kitchen without looking back at him.

You felt bad. But Ghost was showing emotion. You were cracking him. First there was jealousy and now he was saying sorry to you. You felt guilty though. He had just apologized to you and he even sat outside your door for two hours to do it. But why? Why does he care about how you feel?

He shouldn't care. He won't care. You didn't want him to care. But deep inside you did. You wanted someone to melt your coldness, someone to care for you and love you. Someone that wouldn't hurt you.

But Ghost. He was exactly the type to turn on a air conditioner when you're already cold. He wouldn't be the one to take a lighter to your heart and melt the cold. He would make it worse.

How can you crack Ghost without him cracking you. If you keep being cold to him, he will just be colder. But being warm to him, warms you. The complete opposite of what you wanted to happen.

You started making yourself food when you hear someone walk into the kitchen. You didn't turn around knowing it was Ghost.

You felt a hand on your waist.
You turned around instantly.

Ghost was looking down at you.

"I told you this already, don't fucking touch me.."
He cut me off.

"Or it'll be the last thing I do yeah yeah."
You glared at him. His hand still on your waist.

Then he bent down putting his mask against your face.

"Maybe touching you is the last thing I want to do before I die." He whispered in your ear.
Holy hell.
Blushing. So bad.

You couldn't even run this time to hide it.
You thought he'd be a dick now after what just happened in the hallway but no.

He stood back up looking down at you.
Then he walked away.

What the hell. You couldn't do this. You were cracking him but at what cost?

You had butterflies in your stomach.

Remember what happened last time you had butterflies in your stomach?

A voice in your head said. No.
You couldn't let your guard down. Why was he doing this?

You continued making your food trying to think of anything else but Ghost.

Wonder how his tongue would feel on-

"No." You basically yelled out loud. The voices. They were coming back. Different this time but still back.

You ate your food and went to your room. Nothing else to do today so you just wanted to be alone.

Alone? What else is new. You're always alone. And you always will be.


You wanted to scream. To punch something. Anything to not feel the way you were feeling.
Ghost was cracking you and you were cracking him.

You pulled out the phone Shepard gave you and texted him.

"I can't do this anymore. I need to come back."
He responded immediately.

"I haven't gotten word that the missiles were found, so you're staying there."

You threw the phone on the floor hoping it would break.

What were you supposed to do? You couldn't ignore Ghost entirely. It would be impossible. You could sure try but it won't work.

You decided to just go to bed early. Setting your alarm for 8 am.

Ghost won't want you when he finds out how fucked up you are. Nobody will.

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