Dark Water

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                        AN: hi, i know i have been not updating, and i'm so sorry but i'm back and i plan on finishing this. We're just getting to the fun part :)

                                  Y/N POV

Ghost and you didn't have that talk. Thrown right back into work, there wasn't time.

Another missile was found, now you and the others were on the way to get rid of it.

You, Soap, Ghost, Graves, Alejandro and the shadow company.

The missile was on an oil rig.

AN: (i'm too lazy to go into deep detail with this one since it's mostly boring except for the end of this misson anyways sooo)

You all moved away from the oil rig preparing to blow it up. You stood next to Soap, Graves and Ghost on the other side of him and watched as it blew up. Soap was staring in awe at the explosion and then him and Graves pulled eachother into a weird side hug. You had never been mad at Soap before until now but of course you couldn't do anything about it, he didn't know. None of them did. 

Shepard spoke over the radio

"Good work. Get off that X and go home. Soap, Ghost - Thanks for a job well done"

Wait. Why did he say it like that? Maybe you're just overthinking it but it just sounded off the way he said it.

You, Alejandro, Soap, Graves, Ghost and Shadows pulled up to Alejandro's base.
Alejandro got out quickly and you could tell by all the Shadows standing around that something was wrong.

"What's this?" Alejandro asked looking at Graves.

"This is the immediate future. Step away from the gate" Graves said walking towards him.

"What?" Soap asked from behind Alejandro.

"You heard me." Graves stated.

"You're crazy, this is my base." Alejandro said motioning around.

"It's not a base. This is a sizable covert facility, and I admire it. So i'm taking it." Graves said nodding. "You boys have been relieved. Thank you for your service."

You didn't say a word, just stood between Ghost and Graves.

"No no no, I don't take orders from you." Alejandro motioned once again.

"Didn't Valeria say that? Now that makes me wonder what else I don't know about your affiliation with a drug-lord." Graves said pointing at Alejandro.

"What the fuck did you just say to me pendejo?" Alejandro said stepping closer to Graves.

Soap walked up and put a hand on Alejandro's shoulder. "You're out of line Graves" He said

"Don't do that." Graves said stepping back from them. "Don't.. do that. No one needs to get hurt here."

"Are you threatening us?" Ghost spoke up still standing a few feet away from you.

"Soldier, I don't make threats. I make guarantees. So let's not do this." Graves said looking over at Ghost.

"I'm calling Shepherd." Soap said and started walking away.

"General Shepard sends his regards" Graves called out.


You backed up against the vehicle looking at Graves staring at you.

"He told me y'all wouldn't take this well." Graves continued.

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