The Broken meets the Broken

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                                     Y/N POV

You sighed as you left your new room and walked out. Soap had been standing outside your door.
"Ready for a tour?" He asked you.
"Were you standing there the whole time?" You asked avoiding his question.
He smiled and nodded. You rolled your eyes.
"Well let's get on with it."

You followed behind him as he started showing you around base.
"Here's the rec room. On Friday and Saturday nights we like to have a movie night, that is of course we aren't out and about."
"So it's a thing for everyone to join movie night?" You asked him.
"Well usually it ends up just being Gaz and me. Sometimes Price. Never Ghost." Soap explained.
"Looks like I'll be pulling a Ghost." You joked. He didn't laugh. Does nobody get your humor?
"Anyways." Soap continued to show you around.

Once he got back to your room he pointed at the door across from you.
"That's Ghosts room."
"The room I avoid? Got it."
Soap laughed this time. Then he knocked on his door.
Ghost opened the door. He was tall. Probably around 6'4. Muscular too. He was wearing a tight black shirt and black cargo pants. With a holster around his waist that carried a knife and gun. That didn't surprise you as much as his face did. He had a mask on. A skull one, you could barley see his eyes.
"Frostbites here, thought you'd might like to introduce yourself." Soap said smiling.
"You thought wrong." Ghost said and shut his door. His voice was raspy and deep, almost as if he hasn't talked so someone for hours.

"That's Ghost for ya." Soap said smiling at you.
"Not really." Soap said his smile faded. He didn't understand your sarcasm either.
"Well I'll let you wonder by yourself, if you need anything you know where my room is." He walked to his room.

You walked into the rec room and sat on the couch. Price walked in.
"Glad you're making yourself comfortable. Next week we'll all be going out. We're meeting with Colonel Alejandro. He's part of Los Vaqueros, mexican forces. We need his help with the missiles."
You looked at him confused.

"Then why am I here?"
He looked taken aback from your question.
"Shepard said you knew a lot about missiles. Figured you and Soap together would be a lot of help." Price explained. You nodded.
"This week, Soap and you will be training everyday. I know you know how to fight and all that but Shepard suggested it." He explained more.
Fucking Shepard.
You nodded again.
"Soap should let you know before tomorrow what time you'll be training with him."
"Thank you Captain, Soap hadn't told me of this yet, I'll go speak to him now."

Price didn't say anything and walked down the hall to his room. You walked up to Soaps room and knocked.

Soap opened the door.
"Miss me already Frostbite?" He asked grinning.
"Keep wishing."
Soap laughed.
"Thanks for letting me know I'll be training with you all week, I appreciate it."
His smile disappeared.
"I knew I was forgetting something. Starting tomorrow meet me in the rec room at 9am."
You nodded and walked away from his door.
"I'll go easy on you!" He yelled down the hall.
"Cant say the same Sergeant." You responded and walked into your room.

You started making you room less empty pulling out your blanket and pillow you brought. You left your clothes in your bag since there wasn't a dresser. Shit I should probably ask someone to take me to the store to get some personal care items.

You walked into the bathroom looking around and making a mental note of what you need. You opened the shower curtain. There was shampoo, conditioner and body wash already in there. Someone had already gotten stuff for you? Must've been Price preparing for when you got here. Well that was nice.
You opened the little doors under the sink and saw there was a brand new still packaged toothbrush, toothpaste and some towels. Perfect. You wouldn't have to embarrass yourself and ask someone to take you to the store.

You went back into your room continuing to make it less empty. Once you were satisfied, you left your room to go get something to eat.

You walked into the kitchen to see Ghost standing there. You walked around him avoiding him and you opened the fridge.

"Soap ordered pizza if you're hungry. Should be here soon." Ghost said behind you. You closed the fridge and turned around.

"Okay thanks." You replied looking up at him. Jesus he was tall. Still wearing the mask. Does he wear that all the time? He nodded and walked back down the hall.

You walked into the rec room to see Gaz and Soap on the couch arguing. When they saw you, they stopped.

"Hey Frostbite, it's movie night. I ordered a pizza if you're hungry." Soap told you.

"I know, Ghost told me." You said and went and sat on the couch, next to Soap.

"Oh he actually made conversation with you? Finally."

"I wouldn't call it exactly a conversation but sure. Will he be joining us for pizza?" You asked.

You didn't really care if he did or not. But you kinda hoped he did. Usually when you move to someone's base you could care less for the people there, especially if it's a double mission for you. Shepard hasn't told you that this was a double mission so you decided you could maybe get a little close with them. Not too close. Ghost intrigued you. The mask, the whole cold shit. You wanted to find out just why he was so cold.

"I should go pick up the pizza you ordered, want to join me?" Gaz asked looking at you.
You shook your head. You'd rather stay at base and get comfortable more. Gaz got up and left leaving you and Soap.

"Soo Frostbite, how long you been in military?" Soap asked you.

"Four years, but you knew that already didn't you?"
Soap looked at you confused. Confused on how you know that he knows.

"Yeah I knew. Shepard told you Price about you before you came here. I just wanted to get to know you personally."

Funny, Shepard didn't tell you anything about them, just what they looked like.
You nodded.

"I hope you like the pizza I ordered. I ordered 3 different types because I didn't know what you liked." Soap told you.

"Words Soap, use them. They come in handy."
Soap laughed at this.

"Well I wanted to surprise you by maybe getting your favorite topping on accident!" He explained.

You smiled. A real smile this time. You wouldn't be doing that much.
Soap reminded you of a brother, the brother you never had.
He smiled back at you.

Gaz came in holding the pizzas.
He set them down on the table in front of the couch opening each one. You grabbed a slice of pepperoni.

"Pepperoni is my favorite ." You said looking at Soap.
He frowned and dug in his pocket for something. He pulled out a five dollar bill and left the rec room. When he came back, you looked at them confused.

"We made a bet on which one was your favorite." Gaz explained.
"There's three pizzas though?"
"Yea, I bet on you picking meat lovers, Gaz bet on you picking pineapple and ham and Ghost bet on you picking pepperoni. So I just went and gave Ghost the money."

Ghost bet? That didn't seem like something he'd do, then again you don't really know him. You don't know him at all.
"Oh." You said and continued to eat the pizza.

After you were all done eating, Soap put on a movie. You hadn't planned on being out here for that part.
"I'm gonna go to bed." You said standing up.
"I just picked out a movie though." Soap whined.
You forced yourself to say these words.
"Sorry, maybe another night. I'm feeling really tired."
Soap nodded and you could see the disappointment on his face. You felt guilty, but you remember what happened last time you got close to someone. You walked back to your room.

You texted Shepard telling him about how you are training with Soap and how you set yourself a little mission to do yourself here.
He responded immediately.
"That's my Frostbite ;)" His text read. You threw the phone into your bag and got into bed. You set a alarm for 7am. Then drifted to sleep.

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