The Rain is Full of Ghosts Tonight/ Alone

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A/N (first off i'd like to apologize for not posting when i said i would, i got a new phone and it took me forever to figure out all the stuff or wtv, but im back :)
also this will be switching between Y/N POV, Soaps POV and Ghosts POV so make sure you're reading carefully

                                     Y/N POV

You kept running, trying to go the opposite direction of the gun shots and screaming.

You contemplated whether or not you should radio to Ghost or Soap. Would they answer? Would they scream at you? Or worse disconnect their radios from you.

You heard more gunshots and they were getting closer so you hid behind a truck

                               Soap POV

I ran until I felt like I was going to pass out. So many thoughts ran through my mind. Graves betraying us? Shepard in on it? Frostbite? Where is she? I thought she would've radioed to us by now but no. Did she really know this was going to happen? Has she been a spy this whole time? Why? If she was, why wouldn't she have just went with Graves instead of running?

Ghost hadn't radioed either.

All I could hear was citizens screaming and Shadows trying to speak Spanish.

I sat down on the ground hidden behind a building

I went to radio the line with Ghost.

"This is Bravo 7-1, in the blind..... How copy....?"

No answer. I switched to the line with Ghost and Frostbite.

"Ghost, this is 7-1, do you copy?"

No answer again. I let go of the radio

"Fuck where are you Ghost...?" I said out loud to myself.

I checked around the corners to make sure it was clear and stood up. Immediately falling back down. Fucking loss of blood making me weak.

"Soap- This is Ghost, how copy?" Ghosts voice came over the radio


"Johnny...?" Ghost asked again.

"Johnny... How copy?"

I got back to my feet and grabbed my radio.

"Solid" I responded.

"Thought we lost you." Ghost said.

Then I heard Graves and other Shadows voices around the corner.

                                Ghost POV

I held my hand over my heart when I heard Johnnys voice come over the radio. Thank god.

What am I saying? I don't believe in that.

It took me a moment to recollect to answer Soap.

I was about to ask if he had any whereabouts on Frostbite but I bit my tongue.

Remember what just happened? You wouldn't want her to know where you or Soap are. Giving the enemy your location would be a pretty stupid move.

"Shes not enemy." I said out loud to nobody but myself. Part of me wants to believe that she isn't a spy, that the past few months wernt just her gaining information and waiting til she could kill us. The other part of me hates her. Wants to find her myself and get some answers.

                                     Y/N POV

You heard Soap and Ghosts conversation over the radio. Did Soap purposefully talk on the line you were also on? You didn't say anything.

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