Ghosts? Sure I know all about Ghost.

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Ghost POV

I couldn't blame Y/N for running. She was right. I was confusing her. Id flirt with her and then be a dick.
It's because every time I flirted or made a comment, I felt the pull between us grow stronger. And it scared me so I started being a dick. Going back and forth between flirting and asshole.

I was just hoping that she'd let me in. I was willing to let her in. I could tell she wanted to crack me, to know me. So I offered it up.

She thought she wanted to crack me. But when she got the chance she ran.
I laughed out loud. Loud.
She knew she was getting in way to over her head with me.
I laughed again.

Jesus christ i'm going insane.

What was wrong with me?
Why did I even do that last night? I wasn't thinking straight.

But I was. I wanted Y/N to know me. To know Ghost. To know Simon.
I trusted her.
Even though she didn't really do anything to gain my trust.
I felt it inside though, that I could trust her.
I have a hard time trusting people. Took me awhile to trust Soap and Gaz. Even though I was closer to Soap than Gaz, i still trusted Gaz.

And of course I trusted Price.

Trust is a scary thing. I didn't like it.

I need to talk to Y/N.

I left my room and knocked on her door.
She opened immediately.
God she was beautiful.

She had her hair in a messy bun, wearing a tank top and my sweatpants. She couldn't see it but I was smiling.

I actually smile and smirk a lot, but no one can see it.
This smile was different though. I felt actual happiness. It felt weird but a good weird. I used to hate whenever I felt happy.
I still do hate it a little bit. Knowing that the happiness can be ripped away from me at any moment.

"Are you gonna say why you're here Ghost? Or you just gonna stare at me?" Y/N asked. I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Both if you don't mind."

She smiled at me. She grabbed my hand pulling me into her room.

She sat on her bed motioning me to sit next to her.

"So, about last night." She started saying.
"I thought about it and you're right. I do feel the pull between us. I do want to open up to you. I do want to get to know you more. I'm just scared."

I put my hand on her thigh.

She continued talking.
"I'm scared of hurting you. I'm scared of you hurting me. I'm scared of you knowing my past and wanting nothing to do with my future after knowing."

"I'm scared too sweetheart, but what's life without being scared and still taking the risk." I rubbed my hand on her thigh.

"So let's open up baby." I said. She smiled at me.

"Okay but I'm gonna cry a lot so." She laughed.
I nodded.


You can't believe what you were about to do. Open up to Ghost.
Last time you opened up it was used against you.
Ghost won't do that will he?

You laid down on your bed and motioned for Ghost to lay next to you.
He moved and laid on top of you instead. You didn't mind. It was like having a weighted blanket on you.
Like he was weighing down your fears. It felt nice.

Unbreaking the Broken (Ghost x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now