Midnight (chapter three)

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You pace up and down along the beach in the darkness, watching the flickering torches of the village and hearing the crashes of the waves against the foundations of the village. You look up, and see the glowing pinpoints of stars, spread and scattered over the sky like a map that you're too small to comprehend. Your figure casts a shadow that stretches down the beach as you walk, following your footsteps, swinging its arms like you. I wonder if it feels what I feel, too, you think. Maybe then it could help me. 

Unknowingly, you've arrived at a pile of large rocks at the base of a cliff bordering the town. With a sigh, you clamber up them delicately, and choose a rock to sit on. You watch the ocean, now far below your dangling feet. You look over the town, which looks so large and yet so small from this high place. The lack of movement makes it seem like a ghost town. You know Tsireya is in there, sleeping. You imagine her, lying on her hand, eyes closed. Sleeping peacefully. You picture her face softening as she falls asleep, all the stress and pressure of simply living fading away into oblivion. You see yourself gently tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear as she sleeps, gently grasping her hand, and lightly pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.

You drop your face into your hands, and hold it there weakly. 'What am I gonna do?' you ponder out loud, your voice muffled. 'What are you gonna do about what?' says a quiet, sweet voice from behind you. You freeze. You know that voice. Slowly removing your hands from your face, you sit up and say, without looking back, 'Tsireya? What are you doing awake?' She sits down next to you, looking out to sea. 'I- I don't know. For some reason I couldn't seem to sleep,' she says, almost whispering. You look at her. Her eyes are unfocused as she watches the waves wax and wane. 'Same,' you say, still watching her eyes. She turns to you, and you hold eye contact, staring deep into her eyes. After a few seconds, you blush and look away. You see her pull a tiny smile out of the corner of your eye.

'Today's been weird,' she says. 


Suddenly, she says more assertively, 'you're worried about something.' You hesitate, then nod slowly. 'Yeah.' 'What is it? You know you can tell me anything,' she urges, looking at you with genuine concern. 'I-' you cut yourself off. 'It's nothing.' 'It's not nothing,' she whispers, grabbing your hand and clasping it between hers. You look down at it, feeling your stomach flutter. Tears form in your eyes, and you look away. 'Y/n-' she says, shocked. 'Sorry,' you mumble, wiping the tears with the back of your hand, pulling away from Tsireya. You look at the ground, and try to stop the tears still filling your eyes.

* * * 

Tsireya's POV:

Y/n's sad. Really sad. I've never even seen her cry before. Something's wrong. She looks at the ground, more tears forming in her eyes as she desperately rubs them away, avoiding my eyes. 'Y/n. Look at me,' I say seriously. She looks up at me, tears glistening in her eyes. I stare directly into her eyes. 'I see you. Okay? And even if you don't want to tell me now, or ever, I'm here for you,' I tell her, grabbing her hand again. She stares into my eyes pitifully, her lip wobbling. Impulsively, I pull her in for a hug. At first, she tenses up, but eventually she relaxes and rests her head on my shoulder. I feel her tears, cold, on my back, and lay my hand on her head, holding it to my shoulder. 'Oh, y/n,' I say softly, rubbing her back in slow circles with my free hand as she sobs.

I lay my head on her shoulder, and we stand there for a long time. I feel the warmth of her body pressed against mine, and move my hand to cup her lower back. I suddenly notice how the light illuminates her body, which curves so perfectly. My breath hiccups into my chest as I bring my hand around slightly to cup her hip, instead of her back. She shifts slightly, but other than that shows no sign of noticing. Like I'm in a trance, I run my fingers through her beautiful, long, straight hair. She still does nothing.

I pull away, very slightly, so I can look into her eyes, her face. Our arms are still wrapped around each other as we look into each others eyes. 'Y/n... what's really wrong?' I ask in a whisper. She hesitates, her eyes fleeing from mine for a split second. 'Is this about someone?' I say, even more quietly. She nods, her eyes meeting mine again. 'Is it about Neteyam?' My heart sinks as she avoids my gaze. It can't be about him, please, Eywa, let it not be about him, I think. 'Why would you think it's about him?' Y/n says, her eyes meeting mine again, slight amusement in her tone. She didn't answer my question. 'Well, is it?' I ask, louder. 'Do you think it's about Neteyam?' she says, not breaking eye contact.

'No,' I whisper.

Her hair blows gently in the wind as her freckles glow in the dark of the night. She's so pretty, I think. How did I not notice before?

'It's not about Neteyam,' she says, so quietly I barely hear it. 'You know who it's about.'

Slowly, I lean in. She watches me, eyes wide, colours iridescent in the light cast from the flickering torches of the village. Ever so slowly, and delicately, our lips touch. She pulls back, staring into my eyes, and I hesitate. She whispers, 'I see you.' Before I have time to respond, she lays her hand on the side of my face, and strokes it softly with her thumb. 'I see you,' I whisper. And she pulls me in, and we're kissing, in the dancing light of the fire-torches of the village, by the slow-moving ocean, our shadows clinging to each other, under a tapestry of stars.

the delicate balance (of me and you) | tsireya x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now