Love (chapter fourteen)

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notes: sorry for the late update, i forgot that wattpad was down last night when i was going to update :) i hope that's ok!

You smile at Tsireya, closing your eyes and tipping your head back as you soak in the sunshine. She watches you, a small smile on her face as she reaches for you. You place your hand gently over hers, which is cupping your face, and lean in to kiss her delicately. Her arm slips around your back, sliding down to your hips. She pulls you in until you're sitting in her lap, your legs wrapped around her waist. You lean into her, your hands tangling in her curls as you kiss her harder, needing her. She kisses you back just as passionately, her hands dropping to grab your thighs, lifting you against her. 'Reya,' you sigh as she leans backwards, your body over hers as her hands cup your hips gently. Suddenly, you're interrupted by a loud cough. You roll off of Tsireya, brushing yourself off casually and avoiding her eyes like nothing happened. She does the same, nonchalantly examining her nails as you look up to see who it is. Kiri stands in front of you, her arms crossed as she looks at you with a smirk.

You sigh in relief, standing up, and reach over to help pull Tsireya up too, wrapping your arm around her waist as she leans against your shoulder. 'What is it? What's wrong?' you say, worry suddenly gnawing at your stomach. You remember your vision, and an involuntary shiver goes down your spine. Tsireya notices, pulling you closer. 'Nothing's wrong,' Kiri says calmly. 'But... the tulkuns have arrived!' Tsireya turns to you, grinning. 'Let's go!' you nod, and run after her as she clambers down the rocks by the cliff. You turn back quickly to wave to Kiri, who now has a wide grin spread across her face. You blush, and turn back to Tsireya, sprinting to catch up to her.

As you run after Tsireya, you lengthen your stride, the wind in your hair and face. You put your head down, grinning, as you feel the sand under your feet, and see the water rush in, carrying a flurry of tiny stones and shells right to your feet. Tsireya looks back, laughing, and the wide smile spread across her face gives you butterflies. She stops, waiting for you to catch up, and you grab her arm as you do, spinning in a circle around her. She laughs, her face softening. You slow down, and look around quickly. There's no one in sight, so you murmur, 'can I kiss you?' 'Please,' she whispers, and you kiss her, your hand cupping her face, her arms wrapped around your shoulders. You smile against her mouth, but don't break away. The joy you're feeling is more intense than anything you've ever felt before, and you can tell Tsireya feels it too. 'I love you,' she sighs against your mouth. 'I love you too,' you say, your hand slipping behind her head as you deepen the kiss, completely infatuated by her.

You understand why kisses are filmed by a camera circling in movies; because that's how it feels, to be standing there in that moment. You feel like you're falling as Tsireya presses her hips against yours, falling into that abyss of love that you're already in, falling deeper and deeper. And you keep kissing her, keep tilting her chin up so her lips meet yours, keep your hand on her waist, because you wish you could feel this way forever. And you see it in her eyes, as she looks up at you; you can see that she's falling for you, too.

And Aonung sees it too, from his hiding place behind a marui pod.

* * *

You smile as you sign an enthusiastic greeting to your soul sister, Mi'ora. You press your head against her large eye, closing your own eyes as she does the same. Tsireya greets her own soul sister next to you. 'How are you?' Mi'ora asks, you understanding even if it isn't in Na'vi or English. 'Very good,' you sign in reply, smiling at Tsireya who's having practically the same conversation with Oloru. Oloru and Mi'ora are best friends, which seems fitting for you and Tsireya. 'We have some news,' Tsireya signs to the both of them. Mi'ora opens her eyes wide, intrigued. 'Me and Tsireya... are kind of together,' you sign, blushing. Oloru's eyes flick to Mi'ora, her amusement evident. 'I owe you the next school of plankton,' she says to Mi'ora. 'Why?' Tsireya signs curiously. 'I bet that you two would get together at some point,' Mi'ora says smugly. 'And I was right.' You giggle. 'Mi'ora! You didn't tell me this!' She laughs, or at least the tulkun equivalent of a laugh. 'You wouldn't have believed me if I did, would you?'

You have to admit, she's right. You wouldn't have believed that you and Tsireya, together, could bring each other this much happiness. You smile as Tsireya gracefully curves into a backflip. But we do, you think. And I couldn't be more grateful.

You spend the rest of the day with Mi'ora, Oloru, and Tsireya, all of you frolicking late into the night. You rejoice in Mi'ora's company; it's been a year since you've seen her, and after she leaves you won't see her for another year, so you have to appreciate her while you can. You enjoy watching everyone else with their tulkuns, as well; like Ronal, who's smiling for the first time in a while, looking like all of her worries have completely evaporated. Your face softens, too, as you watch Ronal's soul sister's calf as it swims around in happy circles. You see Tonowari behind Ronal, watching her, his eyes sparkling. You smile to yourself as you look over at Tsireya. Sometimes her parents can be assholes, sure, but they're just worried about protecting her. You know that deep down, they're both good people. And they're both in love, you think, observing Tonowari's expression as he watches Ronal. Nearly as in love and Tsireya and I, you think, as you watch her wistfully. She laughs as Oloru pushes her gently with a fin, and you grin. Yeah, they're not quite as in love as us. 

the delicate balance (of me and you) | tsireya x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now