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Dave and I woke up, still cuddled together. It was about 9:44am and Krist was already up and driving. I hope he's not going to act weird after what happened last night.

We got on the stage, and the annoying lights blared in our faces, the crowed screamed, and we grabbed our instruments.

My fingers held a tight grip around my guitar pick, and I sang into the microphone.

After the show, Dave, Krist and I played cards and drank some beer. I wasn't really playing, I was hugging Dave from behind, peeking off his shoulder and whispering to him what card he should play.

"This is getting boring guys" Krist said.

"Why, cause we are dominating you?" Dave snickered in a funny way.

"Yeah.. let's do some stuff" Krist said again

"Like what?" I asked

"Truth or Dare?" Snickered Krist, rubbing his hands together.

"No" Dave said

"Yes" Krist said

"Why" Dave pouted

"Because" Krist said, then looked at me. "Truth or dare Kurt" He said

"Truth" I said. I would've said dare, but knowing Krist, I picked truth.

"Is it true you and Dave had sex last night?" He said

Dave and I both rolled our eyes then I admitted "yes". I mumbled my answer.

"W-Well it's kinda cute for you guys.. but y'Know, I wasn't expecting that" Krist said.

"Okay.. Dave, Truth or dare" I said to Dave

He smiled "dare"

I paused for a minute to think, but then said "I dare you to do something to make Krist either disgusted or shocked"

"Okay" Dave replied, then leaned in to kiss me. I kissed him back, making Krist close his eyes.

Dave pulled away, "you disgusted yet Krist?"

Krist shook his head no.

We continued to kiss, making noises and moaning in between kisses. I kind of forgot Krist was there and I rubbed Dave through his jeans, causing him to moan kind of loudly.

"Ok!! I'm disgusted!!" Krist shouted

"Your turn" Kurt said to Krist

"Truth or dare Kurt" he said

"Truth" I said

"Ah dammit.... I don't feel like playing this game anymore" Krist sighed. "I'm going to go out for a little while, one of my old friends is having a party in town" he got up.

Before he walked out of the door, I said "now Krist, remember to use protection!" Dave laughed and Krist let out a little laugh. "Ok.. I'll remember that" He walked out of the van and waved for a cab.

"So.. what do you want to do?" I asked.

"I don't know.. we could find a board game to play?" Dave suggested

"Okay, let's go look for one" I smiled at him.

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