✧7. Slaps!✧

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Author's P.O.V:-

Yoongi blinked his eyes and traced his lips and looked through the see-through glass and saw the younger outside the office who was also doing the same.

Yoongi drew the blinds and stood up looking out of the glass window through which he could see the traffic of Seoul.

He sighed and his eyes fell on the family portrait, his blood boiled seeing it. He immediately went to the washroom attached to his room and wiped his lips with water and then splashed his face with water getting angry.

He looked into the mirror placing his hands on the basin, as the water droplets slipped through his face falling to the floor.

>>>You are really pathetic, Yoongi. How can you even think of forgiving him after what he did to you?

>>>Why are you becoming soft towards him?

>>>How can you? How can you!!!

Yoongi punched the mirror, furiously until it broke into pieces and his knuckles bled.

"Ugh!!!" Yoongi kicked the wall in frustration and came out.

He heard a knock on the door, he sighed, "Come in."

Hoseok who came in with a file in his hand to get approval was shocked to see his boss's hand bleeding.

He immediately placed the file on the table and walked to him, taking his hand, "What happened, sir? Why is your hand bleeding like this?"

Yoongi didn't answer and shook off his hand, "Why did you come?"

"I need you to look into the new project proposed by the YG motors, they want to schedule a meeting with you as soon as possible, sir," Hoseok informed but still looking concerned seeing the elder's hand bleeding continuously without stopping.

"Alright, give me the file," Yoongi asked.

"Sir, I think we should go to the hospital, your hand is bleeding heavily," Hoseok was worried.

Yoongi glared at the younger hearing it and snorted, "You want me to go to the hospital just because my hand is bleeding? Then what about the times when you and your gang hit me till I bleed and left me there to die?"

Hoseok backed off seeing the mad look on his boss's face getting scared, "S-Sir."

"Why, because that time I was poor so you left me to die, and now that I am rich, I need to get the treatment, huh?" Yoongi advanced towards him dangerously.

"It's not what I mean, sir," Hoseok backed away hitting his back to the wall.

"Then what?" Yoongi grabbed the younger's jaw tightly.

"S-Sir..." Hoseok trembled badly seeing the elder.

Yoongi closed his eyes shut seeing him shivering in fear and opened his eyes punching his bleeding hand to the wall hard.

Hoseok flinched and quivered in terror but then looked at the elder's hand that was bleeding and got worried, he grabbed his hand.

"Sir, why are you hurting yourself?" Hoseok teared up, "If you are mad at me, hit me, kick me and punch me. I won't open my mouth but please don't harm yourself like this."

"Why?" Yoongi asked.

Hoseok looked into the elder's eyes, "Huh?"

"Why are you crying for me?" Yoongi questioned.

Hoseok didn't know how to answer to that so he just stayed still, "Aren't you the one who enjoyed getting me all beaten up? Why are you crying just seeing this small wound? Why are you acting?"

"UGH!!!" ♡A SOPE ANGST♡✔️Where stories live. Discover now