Episode 28.1 - Aftershock

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Robyn was bed-stricken again.

Her mind couldn't take all that had gone down.

Meg revealing herself as the true Calamitas.

Yharim showing up claiming he had found a way to the real world.

William joining him just based on that promise.

The Archmage getting crushed by the Ravager.

Then the Ravager turning out to be the resurrected mind of Omicron the Cyborg, stored inside an unholy amalgamation of flesh and steel.

And that grotesque mess getting doomed to fall.

Robyn had found the wreck of the Ravager far below, a new crater next to the Astral one. Nothing remained of Omicron. Only some random weapons and other items. Bloodstone. Geodes. A Flesh Totem. The Blood Pact.

None of that mattered. Not with the life that had been lost.

Or the deep wounds of betrayal she felt.

Her dreams were like stepping below hell. She dreamed of Calamitas and the gruesome murders she'd committed. Burning the oceans of Amidias's kingdom. Obliterating the town among the Brimstone Crags. Setting the Golem loose, leading to Yharim slaughtering the entire Lihzahrd population.

And of the citizens she'd killed in cold blood. Star the Party Girl. Paddy the Tavernkeep. And Omicron the Cyborg, who she saw get torn apart, then put back together amidst the flesh and blood of the Ravager.

And the Ravager, rampaging through the lab, before finally being sent to fall like a meteor, becoming nothing but a new crater in the Astral biome.

She also dreamed again of the Lunatic Cultist. Of him transforming into that freakish blue serpent creature. And each time he'd just say the same thing.

"I tried to warn you. Now, you must come to us."

Her sleep was interrupted by someone coming into the room. Someone dressed in a dark cloak. At first she thought it was Sid, dressed in some new armour he'd crafted together, but Sid didn't have pale white skin, ice-blue eyes, or black hair styled with long bangs covering one of those eyes.

"You've had enough horizontal time," the woman said, clapping her hands. "Come on, Robyn! Get your butt off the bed!"

Robyn didn't want to get her butt off the bed. She didn't want anything.

She just felt nothing.

She didn't feel when the woman pulled her out from under the covers and onto the hard lab floor. She didn't kick or scream as she was dragged through the empty corridors, the floor and wall panels damaged from the battle against Ravager. She didn't notice when she was brought into the lava core room, that the core had been repaired and filled up with lava again, or that the Codebreaker had been set up along with an array of Power Cell Factories and Charging Stations. Or that Whitney the Steampunker and James the Clothier were looking over them. Or that Sid was inspecting one of the schematics.

"So Sid, you're saying in order to decrypt the last schematic we still need to craft something for that thingamajig?" the cloaked woman waggled a finger at the Codebreaker.

"Exactly," Sid said. "We need to craft a Voltage Regulation System. It requires Luminite, which we have in spades, but it also requires something called..." He squinted. "I'm not even sure how to pronounce that."

"Let me take a look," James said, stepping over. Sid handed him the schematic, but the Clothier looked just as confounded. "Oo... lee... bloom... ee?"

"Oolibloomi?" Sid scoffed. "I don't think that's anywhere near."

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