Episode 28.3 - Unholy Ambush

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The Kingdom of Fab was a Hallowed land, the familiar sight of blue grass, colourful trees, sparkly rainbows and killer unicorns being interrupted by the stark ruins of pearlstone towers and walls of a castle long fallen.

Oh, and the 'dinosaurs' that Amber had mentioned.

Pixies and unicorns were rushing across the vale, only to get broiled by flames shot from some sort of flaming moths. With wings made from off-white crystals and flaming heads atop a stony brown body, the Impious Immolators flew in the air firing bursts of flame.

The largest creatures looked most like a dinosaur, maybe with the very rough shape of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, but that was where the similarities ended with the Scorn Eaters. Made from similar brown stone and with flames burning across their back, with a massive round head with a giant jaw at the front, they could leap huge distances forward and would crush and chomp anything that stood in their path.

Robyn had no idea what was going on, only flying forward into the fray. She fired her new Astreal Defeat, pouring flaring purple arrows into the Scorn Eaters. Seeming to realise she was a greater threat, the group started to leap at her, but they couldn't jump very high, only forward. So she kept to the air as much as possible. They had a noticeably large amount of health for a regular enemy – 18,000 – so she couldn't defeat them that quickly. To make matters worse, her Seraph Tracers ran out of flight time and she fell to the grass.

One of the Scorn Eaters leapt straight at her, and would have slammed into her like a truck had Renee's dark form not appeared in front of her and thrown her Elemental Disk at the creature. The spinning glaive was made from all four Lunar Fragments, and when one struck into the Scorn Eater it split into more disks for more damage, quickly obliterating the rest of the Scorn Eater's health, leaving behind some sort of item that hung in mid-air.

Robyn flew forward and picked it up. Unholy Essence. She soared to the left just in time to avoid the pillar of fireballs that rushed towards her.

It seemed to be coming from a pair of fiery boulders that flew in the air ahead of her. Both were connected via stony chains to some sort of orangey-brown bulge in the ground, a crystal sticking out of its top. She dodged as the boulders shot out more fireballs, some of the fireballs bursting into smaller fireballs and all shooting forward as though there was a breeze. She fired her Planetary Annihilation to pour its colourful bolts from the sky down into the enemy, and the entire structure was quickly destroyed, bursting into more Unholy Essence.

Sid landed next to her, his chromatic Elemental Axes spinning around him.

"Maybe this is where we can find Uelibloom," he said. "I'll dig down while you and Renee keep watch."

He took his pickaxe to the ground, quickly disappearing down a square hole that he carved out. Robyn glanced around, just in time to spot the even bigger volley of fireballs being launched towards them.

A trio of flaming brown boulders streaked with orange were flying towards them. Each was about half the size of Astrum Aureus or Ravager, the boulders each enclosing themselves around a series of bare tree branches and roots, which had circular flaming faces atop and fiery wings keeping them aloft.

All three were named 'Profaned Guardian'.

"Attack!" Renee shouted, running forward and throwing her Celestial Reaper scythe at the guardians. Robyn used her Planetary Annihilation to fire colourful shots from the sky, volleys blasting into all of the guardians. She was not ready for the trio to suddenly lunge forward, their leader blasting straight into her. She screamed and flew upwards, but the guardians shot straight after her, outspeeding her to the point that the only way she was able to avoid getting hit a second time was by making a sharp turn in the air.

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