Episode 35.2 - Ensemble of Fools

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William blocked every one of Robyn's shots, his Zenith a whirlwind that neutralised her projectiles. She roared and kept firing. She tried switching to the Contagion – the upgraded form of the Phangasm, which had been crafted by adding Shadowspec Bars provided by Calamitas – but it too was neutralised.

Only one weapon left. To take him at his own range.

She pulled out the Exoblade in her inventory and lunged forward, holding the massive green blade aloft. It cleaved into William, knocking him backwards a bit, but she followed up the attack with a downward swing that sent him flying backwards.

He slammed through an entire line of trees, tumbling across grass and dirt. On rolling to his feet he switched to his Ark of the Cosmos, but saw Robyn was already sailing towards him, Exoblade still held out.

He swung the Ark at her, trying to keep her away, but she seemed to have no intention of trying to stay away. Her eyes were red with rage.

He threw his blade forward, the sword leaving a trail of constellations behind it as it spun towards Robyn. She dodged to the side and took advantage of this moment of defencelessness to shoot some arrows from her Contagion, but William weaved to avoid those too.

He jumped upwards, Celestial Tracers propelling him upwards, as the Ark of the Cosmos returned to his hand. Robyn flew up to intercept him, using a God Slayer Dash to close the distance and swinging out her Exoblade, but William just snapped out his Ark in two halves like a pair of scissors, catching Robyn's blade in his own. The parry caused it to get charged up with energy, and he gave it an almighty heft that flung Robyn towards the metallic foundations of the Nexus tower.

She hit the stone pavement that surrounded the tower, her armoured body tumbling across the hard surface. Dust rose into the air from her impact, but she quickly got to her feet and took to the air.

She fired some more arrows, but of course William's Zenith just blocked them all. The whirlwind of swords was coming straight towards her, so she flew higher to avoid it.

She noticed however, that the whirlwind was intentionally keeping itself far enough that it wouldn't damage her.

He doesn't want to kill me.

She landed back on the ground and grabbed out her Exoblade. She started swinging wildly, spamming its multicoloured projectiles in his direction to try to overwhelm him while she advanced towards him. She saw his Zenith still swinging, but right as she got maybe a hundred blocks away she took to the air again, then held the Exoblade out in front of her and stabbed forward to launch herself towards him again.

William did his scissors-snapping parry with his Ark of the Cosmos again, but Robyn had anticipated it. She banked to the left, avoiding the twin blades snapping together, then swung a single arc with her Exoblade at him.

He was knocked into the air, allowing her to follow up with another attack that knocked him even higher, slamming him into the wall of the tower in front of them.


Sid summoned a Sepulcher and made it charge towards Yharim. The beast clambered along the ground like a centipede and lunged at him, but he jumped backwards, grabbing his Ultisword out of the ground and slashing at it.

Calamitas had exhumed his Staff of the Mechworm in order to create this powerful summon weapon, and he fully intended to take down Yharim with it. If Calamitas hadn't felt like she'd be able to face off against her master, he would instead.

Yharim kept moving backwards around the chamber, avoiding the Sepulcher's attacks, so Sid cast his other exhumed weapon, the Cinders of Lament. Suddenly, Catastrophe and Cataclysm both appeared behind Yharim and lunged towards him.

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