Episode 17.1 - Hero of Etheria

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Now, let us begin!

The purple crystal sat upon a golden pedestal, four claws holding it in place above the stand. Some distance away, to the east and west, were two mysterious portals, both ovular in shape, ringed with flaming magenta energy.

Sid wiped some sweat off his brow as the portals began summoning forth goblins and a bunch of other reptilian creatures, invaders stepping in from another world. The one that Paddy the Tavernkeep sometimes mentioned having come from.

His Stardust Dragon summon, glowing bright blue and gold and with a length of maybe forty blocks, decimated the invaders from one portal while his Stardust Guardian, a hulking celestial being, pummelled the army coming from the other direction with the assistance of a couple of Terraprisma blades.

But despite the size of the forces... it felt too easy. He'd fought through six waves of the army, his summons slaughtering every single enemy so far.

He looked to the glowing Eternia crystal, just as the timer above it ticked down to 0. The next wave was on its way...

...right as a massive red dragon slammed into him.

He was knocked back quite a distance, losing about 80 of his health, but wasn't fazed. If anything, he was excited. Something like this was just what he wanted to fight.

Bring it on, dragon! Though Betsy is kind of a dumb name for a dragon...

Almost as though she had read his thoughts, Betsy the dragon roared and charged forward across the sky, breathing a stream of fire downwards, aiming to scorch Sid. But he dashed to the side, an ability he had thanks to his Master Ninja Gear. Sid got out his Kaleidoscope whip for the first time since the army had started attacking and lashed out at the dragon. His glowing prismatic whip snapped against Betsy's hide, calling both of his summons back to start tearing into her.

He noticed her fire-breath attack had actually dealt damage to the crystal. But it had 5000 health, and had only lost about 200. And Betsy herself had gone from 75,000 health to 65,000 already.

There was no way he could lose. He kept on dashing and flying about, continuing to snap his whip. Their duel took them higher and higher into the sky. She flew in a large loop, seemingly trying to shake Sid's own Stardust Dragon, before charging straight at him. But he just dashed again to the right.

That was when he cast a look downwards and to his horror spotted enemies were beginning to swarm the crystal! Red-scaled Etherian Wyverns were swooping into it and raking their claws across its surface. Those purple dinosaurs that shot fireballs out of their mouths were blasting it. And a horde of goblins that wielded everything from hatchets to javelins were surrounding it.

He dropped down, snapping his whip in an attempt to clear away the horde, but it was no use. There were too many of them, and they had already dealt too much damage to the crystal, causing noticeable cracks to form along its surface. Before too long it burst open. The world around him suddenly turned bright magenta, as though the sun had decided to change colours for the day. A glowing eye symbol rose up from the shattered crystal, seeming to stare at him. For a brief moment, Sid began to panic. What had he done? Was the world about to end?

His vision suddenly blinked, and the world was back to normal. The entire army was gone, as were the portals they had emerged from and the dragon Betsy.

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