Episode 18.4 - sanctuary

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Beyond was an even larger underground lake. The grey stone walls gave way to dark green stone, covered with glowing aquamarine crystals that reminded Meg of the Underground Hallow. The lake itself was luminous, lit up by more of the glowing crystals and also by bioluminescent vegetation and what looked like some floating underwater creatures.

"What is this place?" Robyn gasped. "It's so pretty..."

"Pretty, but it might try to kill us," Meg said.

"I've never seen anything like it..."

Meg just clicked her tongue, an uneasy feeling inside of her.

"I wish I had my fishing supplies still," Robyn murmured. "Wonder what you could catch here..."

"We can come back later," Meg said. "For now, we've got to get to the surface."

"It looks like we might be able to get higher up over there."

Robyn was right. At the far end of the cavern the ceiling appeared to slope upwards, over higher and higher ledges.

"Okay, fine," Meg said.

"It might not hurt to pick up some of the crystals too," Robyn added. "We might be able to craft something with them."

"Sure, but be careful. Don't touch the water. Who knows what kind of bitey fishies could be down there?"

Robyn began to build another bridge across the lake out of stone blocks, though she ran out about two-thirds of the way across.

"The water's pretty shallow at this end," she said. "We can probably jump in, and grapple up the wall there."

Before Meg could protest Robyn had leapt in. She waded through the water, past some luminous aqua coral, and slung her grappling hook up to the wall. It actually impacted on a block that one of the glowing blue crystals had been resting on, causing it to break into an item that rushed into Robyn's inventory as she got pulled up.

"Come on, Meg!" Robyn called. She brought her pickaxe into the aqua-green stone, carving a small ledge just above where she was hooked.

Meg grit her teeth and jumped. She jumped again with her Cloud in a Bottle, and threw out her hook to the wall next to Robyn's.

They climbed up to the top of the wall, where another aquifer of water rested. This one was shallow all the way across, though a few sea creatures were also swimming about in it. A glowing blue mushroom-shaped jellyfish-like creature named a Ghost Bell, and a turtle with a crystal-spiked shell named the Prism-Back. None of these creatures took any notice of Robyn as she waded past them to the other side.

Meg again took a running jump and double-jumped to get her to the other side, grappling herself to the wall.

"Maybe that is faster," Robyn said as she grappled up next to her.

Up on the next level, another lake, this one even smaller and shallower. On the other side appeared to be a glowing geode made from the same material as the aqua crystals, but in block form.

"Wow, look at that," Robyn said, again fearlessly wading towards it. "I don't even want to disturb it since it looks so pretty but... maybe just one block..." She began to dig into the geode with her pickaxe.

"A Sea Prism," she muttered.

Meg jumped over the lake again, landing on the other side.

"This looks like a dead end," she said. "We'll have to dig upwards now."

She began putting her pickaxe to the navy stone. It took a lot longer to break than regular stone, making her begin to question if this would really turn out to be a fast way out of here. Fortunately there was another cavern directly behind the block she was digging, which turned out to just contain a small hollow partially filled with water and with a minnow swimming about inside.

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