Episode 17.2 - Conqueror of Worlds

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Sid had seen a lot of big swords in the hands of William during their adventures, but none that looked quite as menacing as the one that Yharim pulled out. Large and black, shaped with lots of cleaving force, a curved point at the end, molten shine along its edges, and ornate golden symbols engraved around its handle and close to the tip of the sword.

Still, Yharim didn't even have 1000 health. Piece of cake.

Sid snapped his whip to send forth his Stardust Dragon. It swooped straight for Yharim, but he disappeared when the dragon was just inches away.

And then reappeared in front of Sid, blade already swinging.

Sid wasn't able to get out of the way in time. He was struck by the blade, losing over half of his health in that one blow and suddenly having the sickening feeling of being both poisoned and inflicted with venom. He dashed backwards, snapping out with his Kaleidoscope, but Yharim just raised his sword, and to his disbelief the whip caught on the sword, wrapping itself all the way around the blade like tinsel on a Christmas tree. Then Yharim jerked his blade backwards, causing Sid to go flying forwards and into a headbutt from Yharim's helmet.

"A true summoner doesn't need a whip to tell his minions what to do," Yharim said, delivering a powered kick straight into Sid's sternum.

Sid lost his grip on his Kaleidoscope as he was launched backwards by the kick, landing roughly on the grass. He saw his Stardust Dragon and Guardian finally coming to his aid, but Yharim just chopped at the Guardian with his sword, the weapon sending forth spinning magical blades of red, green and yellow, while he dealt with the Dragon by holding out a large blue crystal that fired out a beam of orange energy, disintegrating it along its entire length in one charged-up shot.

Sid could just resummon his Dragon, but it was already clear that this person, whoever he was, was no ordinary foe. He needed backup.

He needed his friends.

He grabbed his Magic Mirror and held it up, whirring blue particles dancing across it, but it seemed to be taking exceptionally long to warp him back to his home point.

"It will be easier for you to not fight, Guardian," Yharim said, his words interlaced with the mirror's magic sounds.

Then Sid was in his treehouse, next to his bed.

Wasting no time, he dashed outside and flew for the Forest Village. He had placed the Eternia Crystal on a flat, open plain some distance away, but he somehow knew it wouldn't take long for Yharim to find them.

"William!!" he shouted as he dropped inside the village walls. "Meg! Robyn!"

"You looking for Robyn?" Tony the Arms Dealer asked.

"I saw her leading Will away to the south." Durim the Demolitionist laughed. "She had quite a smile on her face."

"Okay, okay," Sid said. "Listen, there's something really... dangerous that just came here. You should get everyone somewhere safe, and fast."


Robyn could have laid with William for hours had someone screaming "Wiilllliiiaaaaammmm!" not woken her up.

Upon groggily rubbing her eyes she saw Sid barrelling down a hill towards them.

"Did you blow up one of the houses again, Sid?" William asked.

"No, much worse! Some boss named Yharim showed up, and I can't even get a hit on him!"

"What do you mean, can't get a hit on him?"

"He's... he..." Sid seemed to be lost for words.

Which worried Robyn. Nothing scared Sid.

"I know what Meg told me. 'Stop opening up portals and bringing in creatures that could destroy us all, Sid!' Should've listened. I really need you guys to –"

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