Episode 18.2 - Guardian of the Former Seas

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He risked a glance to see what was attacking them. Had Yharim's soldiers tracked them down already? Was it some powerful laser-toting boss like the Destroyer or Skeletron Prime?

Not quite.

The lasers were coming from some sort of humanoid robot. Made from green-tinged Wulfrum metal, with green lights for its eyes, a blue energy core on its chest, and two large blasters for its arms.

No. It wasn't just a robot.

Sid was the robot.

He'd crafted the Wulfrum they'd scavenged into this powerful mech suit, and was shooting into the swarm of Antlions that were chasing him.

William grit his teeth, slung out his Mandible Blade, and ran back to meet the horde.

The next few minutes were a blur of weapons swinging, Antlions chittering and body parts flying everywhere. The last two that remained were both Stormlions, the electric creatures seeming to be slower than their ordinary cousins. Sid ran up to them both and blasted them to pieces with his Wulfrum mech suit. One of them dropped what looked like a staff crackling with electricity.

"It's a summon weapon!" Sid exclaimed, swinging it to bring forth a miniature Stormlion of his own. "Now we're getting somewhere!"

"Don't celebrate just yet," William said. "We've got more incoming."

Another massive wave of Antlions. A literal army of them, forming a large line that was slowly curving inwards, clearly intending to circle around the two of them in order to attack them from all sides. Among the horde was a large, brown creature named a Cnidrion. It was shaped kind of like a muddy horse, covered with spines and hard rock for its skin.

Sid started to fire laser pellets at the oncoming onslaught, but right as he started the mech suit folded away, leaving Sid coated in a simple set of overalls, goggles, and a hat.

"Dang!" he exclaimed, now pumping his fists at the horde instead of firing lasers at them. "It needs to recharge!"

William pulled his blade back out. Sid next to him had his Cactus Sword at the ready, and his baby stormlion summon at his side.

They had nowhere to run. The swarm was flanking them, surrounding them from all directions, forming a circle that compressed inwards on them.

There's no use fighting all this, William thought, closing his eyes.

But right as the oncoming swarm looked to be about to charge them, they suddenly all turned tail, going from an ordered army to a disorganised rabble, all fleeing as fast as they could from William and Sid. Even the Cnidrion turned, sinking beneath the sand and vanishing.

"Yeah, you'd better run!" Sid shouted, flexing both of his arms. "Fear the wrath of my baby Stormlion!"

That was when William began to feel rumbling. The sand shifting around his feet. An all-too-familiar feeling.

Oh no... That witch better not have found us!

It wasn't the witch.

There was an explosion of sand, something towering high into the sky from its epicentre, its form blocking out the sun above.

A giant, dark brown worm. Ringed with deadly spikes along the entire length of its body. Labelled with the name 'Desert Scourge', it opened its dark mouth as it arced through the sky.

Straight towards William and Sid.

They leapt out of the way as the Desert Scourge impacted where they had both been standing, sending up another cascade of sand. William felt it coat his clothes and irritate his eyes, but he blinked them out and got to his feet.

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