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Arline woke up to her lungs not receiving enough air. She coughed and spat in an attempt to breathe properly and when she opened her eyes, she could see a puddle of blood was at her feet. She wiped her lips and brushed her face.

"Are you better?" Merrick's voice came from a corner.

"I didn't see you there" she said trying to get up and clean the mess she made.

"Stay there, you are not strong enough" he advised her but Arline didn't listen. She instantly regretted it and took a seat. Her head was spinning and felt like she might pass out.

"Am I dying?" She asked him a little bit scared.

"No" he chuckled and sat next to her "You just need to recover".

"What did he do to me?" It came out as a whisper, and she lowered her head in embarrassment.

"Poison" he simply said "Silver, I don't know how I missed telling you about it" he lamented.

"Don't worry" she calmed him down "It's on me either way, I put my guard down" Arline felt like a stupid child that got tricked.

"Arline..." Merrick wanted to ease her mind. He wanted to tell her not to be hard on herself or in the fact that his brother just didn't care for anyone's well being other than his own.

"Why is it so hot? Or do I have a fever?" Arline wanted to quickly change the subject before Merrick felt sorry for her.

"You had a fever" he said "But now, you're in Pozarite, which is located on the desert" he explained "You slept for two days" Merrick knew she would want to know that information.

"You've got to be joking" she cursed herself under her breath.

"You needed rest" Merrick knew why she complained "And you won't go back to train until I believe you can handle it".

Arline just nodded. She knew it would be no use to fight him. She was also trying not to let her eyes succumb to the imminent tiredness possessing her body. When she touched her hair, the braids from the party were gone, her thick chocolate hair was loose and untangled and quickly realized she was wearing a silk sleeping gown, decorated with complicated patterns embroidered in purple thread.

Merrick placed his arm in front of her without a word. Arline got up and placed her head on his shoulder and let her body be guided by the Prince's pace, to the bathroom. The copper bathtub was filled with water, scented with cedar and lavender to help her purify her body.

A sudden wave of nausea took over her and she dropped to her knees, in front of the basin and threw up. Her hair was held by Merrick, who stroked her back in silence. Her body ached in levels that were unimaginable but the feeling of relief that came afterwards almost made her go back to sleep in the porcelain floor.

"I'm sorry" she mumbled shyly, after she coughed and washed her mouth. At this point, the rightful future King had seen her in every awkward and embarrassing situation imaginable but she still felt self-conscious. But Merrick never cared and didn't even wasted time on reminding her about it.

"No reason to be" he reassured her, helping her getting up slowly.

As if they had called for them, two maids entered the room. They cleaned the floor, made her bed and got rid of the basin, all in so little time, it almost seemed impossible. Then they exited the room with a bow and left them alone again.

Merrick turned around for her to have more privacy as she was getting undressed and hopped into the warm water, laying still on the tub. He heard how she sighed in relief. Merrick slowly turned around and sat on a stool placed in the corner of the room.

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