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Arline woke up to the smell of brewing coffee and the blurry sight of Zeroun and Merrick chatting near his desk. She felt the weight and comfort of Merrick's coat over her as well as his scent.

"Good morning" she instinctively said while rubbing her eyes, still trying to focus her vision.

"Good morning" they both said in unison.

"It's for you" Zeroun pointed at the cup of coffee sitting in front of her.

They continued talking for a little longer and her friend left the room, leaving Merrick to focus entirely on her. "I need to talk to you" he said sitting in front of her.

"All right, about what?" Arline had her hands wrapped around the mug, smelling the dark liquid.

"About your future"

"What do you mean?"

"What did you think it was going to happen after this?"

"Honestly, I thought you were going to fail miserably" she confessed and took a sip of coffee.

"Wow, thank you for the hope" Merrick didn't mind her not believing in the mission, but it did hurt that he remembered his father.

"We can both see I was very mistaken Merrick" she smiled to herself.

"We will keep the training" Merrick continued, ignoring her smile "You will practice combat and sword at the barricades all day with the soldiers" She was actually very excited to not have to spend her time on the library anymore "And your powers at night, with me" he ended.

"What?" She sounds scandalized at the thought of having to spend her nights with Merrick, alone.

"Not like that Arline" he instantly knew what she was thinking and couldn't help it and laughed "Zeroun will help, it will be by the lake, deep inside the woods"

"All right" she simply agreed. She had no complaints, excuses nor conditions.

"You really don't want to argue about anything?" Merrick expected some kind resistance from her, considering their latest feud.

"I'm glad you're taking me out of the palace" she sighed. 

"Why?" Merrick furrowed his eyebrows "I thought you liked it".

"I do but that place is more intimidating than you" He laughed and took it as a compliment.

"You can't tell him what you have been through, Arline, not yet" This time he changed his cheerful tone for the one of a General.

"It's not like he won't know"

"I mean about your powers" he specified "I don't trust him with that kind of information, you'll be in severe danger if anyone finds out"

"Because I've been very protected lately" she sarcastically said and Merrick stood by her side.

"If you think Aidan is the worst kind of person out there, embrace yourself because you'll get utterly disgusted"

The ship arrived on deck before the Sun was out the next morning. The crew couldn't even look at Merrick nor Arline's direction when they disembarked and just bowed their heads respectfully. But Arline, Merrick and Zeroun didn't have time to analyze their behavior and headed to the barricades were the first lanterns started to turn off and a few soldiers started getting ready for the long day ahead of them. 

Zeroun handed her a spare set of clothes for her to change into and then they joined the people in the training grounds. She got introduced to Michaela Alpik, member of the Order of Huntresses. This girl was barely a few years older than Arline. Her beautiful olive skin was glowing thanks to the surprising Sun that was above them, had beautiful black hair that went all the way down to her waist and honey colored eyes. Her frame was muscular and was considered was of the most ferocious members of the Huntresses.

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